TD Admin
Anyone here following the World Series between the Boston Red Socks and the St. Louis Cardinals?
If not, then sucks to be you as the series is nearly neck and neck, plus game 3 between them was pretty insane especially the way it ended! You can watch the video here http://www.cnn.com/video/standard.h...b-world-series-game-3-call.cnn&iref=allsearch Let's hear what you guys have to say about it and you you think will win it all.
If not, then sucks to be you as the series is nearly neck and neck, plus game 3 between them was pretty insane especially the way it ended! You can watch the video here http://www.cnn.com/video/standard.h...b-world-series-game-3-call.cnn&iref=allsearch Let's hear what you guys have to say about it and you you think will win it all.