World of Warcraft


I'm New Here
hmm Cataclysm looks exciting, might just play a worgen through the starting area, level only 1 of my toons to 85, get bored like I always do, wait for next expansion and start all over again :( going on 5yrs of this game...


TD Member
I couldn't bare playing this game more than 10 mins.

Aoe series FTW and I loved the game Dune 2000 back in the days.


TD Admin
raiding has become a bit "meh" for me now. I'll still do it, but I enjoy PVP/Arena more. Raiding is fun when you're learning the fights and getting it done the first few times, but afterwards it becomes a bit boring. PVP is always exciting with a lot of smack being thrown around constantly at/by scrubs. I'm very excited for rated BGs in Cata...


TD Admin
OMG similar to how Arena ratings worked, if you do well in Rated BGs, you can get the old titles of Warlord, High Warlord, and Vicious (if you're in the top 0.5%). I think that's hot.

I like the new Azeroth. Everything looks so great; Blizzard really did an amazing job on this one.


TD Member
Hahahaha He's epic, he's acoutally epic, like................ he's big nigga lookat dat shit....


I taunted that mob from u then he went SSJ on my ass

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
i'd rather watch videos of dudes fapping i mean no

Yea the world is sick. It really gets you back in the game, I logged in and went through all the zones, kinda wanna level a char just for new quests. But i already have everything 80.


TD Member
origional game is now only $5, I wanna level two new chars, one as a lvl 60 AV twink, and the other will be a goblin something. gonna get that 300% exp bonus. havent figured out what classes yet though :P. if we start playing on Korgath I'll probably make a goblin rogue and shaman twink :P or do a shaman 5box like a fagot.


TD Admin | Bacon
for a 60 twink go shadow priest dean its the only comp that is better/has a chance against the 10k 1 shot gemadins.