World of Warcraft

I've been playing cs since 1999... haha how is that any better 44??

There is a really good stand alone tool you can use to see what are the best gems/enchants/gear for you. It also helps you find best gems/enchants for your spec and current gear, and shows what DPS/HPS/TPS you should be pulling with you gear and set up. I HIGHLY recommend it. Name is RAWR. They even have a youtube instruction video.


I'm New Here
Didn't know there were that many WoW players here...
I got 4 80's
80 Mage Draenei alliance
80 DK Human
80 Blood Elf Paladin (Main) - Tank
80 Troll Hunter

all on Wildhammer US PVP - Commander and I play there
meh not needed :) my geming was easy, 40 attack power in all slots :)

haha that all depends on gear Steve! It's why I like RAWR, I don't have to think, load up my toon's armory profile and let it do the thinking :P
Nice a sticky thread, AFTER I stopped playing this game. :P

I have an 80 BE Rogue on Shadowmoon.
As well as a 67 Undead Warlock and a DK (who doesn't have one?)

I stopped playing, it just got boring and I can't raid too well with my schedule. It seemed like my arena teams weren't going anywhere either. I'd rather play CS and all the games I need to catch up on.


TD Member
this thread is a faggot
I agree with you 10,000%



TD Member
Oooo a WoW thread, and figures, Narf made it sticky. I recently quit 3-4 months back, after realizing no matter how many characters you have, leveling 1-80 takes less than a week, and getting a full set of decent gear takes about another week with the whole "badges" system. Grind much. Also, since a person with downs can hold aggro, heal easy, or smash one button for 4k dps, I've had enough.
Since you can't vendor characters for a Blizzard credit lol, here's mine up for grabs:

Kil'Jaedan (US PVP)

80 Tauren Druid (like 6500 achieves)
80 BE Paladin
80 Undead Mage
80 Orc Warlock
80 Troll Warrior
80 Undead DK

Bleeding Hollow (US PVP)

80 Dwarf Priest
80 Gnome Rogue
70 NE Hunter

Fkn nerds.


TD Member
smash one button for 4k dps, I've had enough.
use 3, do 12. :D, last month I played was July with Narf Steve and Pyro. looking forward to playing Cata, probly gonna tank on my pally and pvp on my rogue. def Rogue first and forshizzle PVP BYAH! unless a Main tank is needed for guild or something.


TD Admin
I respec'd to Pret (0/53/18) for PVP -- pretty sick. I can lonewolf run into Warsong Gulch, snatch up the flag in front of 4 allies and using a combination of sacred shield, hand of freedom, and the PVP trinket, make it down and out the tunnel with 20% HP. I did that 3x and on the 3rd carry they just gave up and let me take it.

I'm well in the Challenger ranking, and 200 ranking off of Rival in 5's. But we're missing a rogue Dean...we're missing a rogue... And Dean, if you came back now, you and I would own 2's, 3's, and 5's -- no joke. Double Pret in 2's is ridiculously fun, and I have an excellent dpriest on my 5's and 3's...

This is for Steve and Pyro, but you know who recently joined my 5's team? Jinrokk!! Apparently he stopped playing in March and just came back in Sept.