World of Warcraft

Oh, I thought he was going from ret to tankadin :P

Yah for healing decursive is sweet (AND MAGES). Some like healbot, but it just means you fail as a healer if you need that IMO >.>


TD Admin
For now, I'm gonna keep the ret pally for PVP and just gear my healadin for PVE. Although, to be honest I might still switch to tankadins for fun later on.

Fork Included

TD Admin
[quote1269458865=Fork Included]
iCe,WoW is so awesome.


A game is a game is a game.


TD Admin
i tank with dbm as the only 'raid' addon. the timers are the useful part imo. the warnings it shouts at you are only useful until youve memorized the fight in question, which shouldnt take long.
basically if you are going to be healing without any mods narf, you will have to pull out raid windows for each group. in a 25-man raid that means 5 windows up in your already cluttered UI. it is definitely doable, but it is really messy looking and it can be difficult to keep track of everything.


2012 Troll of the Year
shit son

Skwisgaar skwiself taller than a tree
toki wartooth not a bumble bee
murderface murderface murderface
pickles the drummer dootely dootely do
nathan explosion

or some similiar derivative.


Hacking Faggot
so because we like something you guys dont we are uber fags? very closed minded of you


TD Admin
i tank with dbm as the only 'raid' addon. the timers are the useful part imo. the warnings it shouts at you are only useful until youve memorized the fight in question, which shouldnt take long.
basically if you are going to be healing without any mods narf, you will have to pull out raid windows for each group. in a 25-man raid that means 5 windows up in your already cluttered UI. it is definitely doable, but it is really messy looking and it can be difficult to keep track of everything.

Well, healadin = tank heals so I'll let the restoshamans worry about raid heals :P

But I *did* get some mods to unclutter my UI


TD Member
hey narf if your ever stuck and dont know wich piece of gear to get check out this site

it ranks all of the gear so you can see wich woukld be the best for you at that time. wich can be tricky sometimes i know for me the best triumph badge gear isnt the T9 set its the off pieces for shoulders and helm. its nice to see all the items ranked in a list and it tells you where they drop from so you can see what raid you should try and do to get a shot at your next gear. it also shows you what gems to use as well as what enchants to get.