World of Warcraft


TD Admin | Bacon
if theres a cheap way to get into the game ill play with you fags since everyone else is hopping on the faggot bandwagon.

fml for even posting this. one step closer to being total nerd.

With 3 versions of the game already out its costs a bit to get your account maxed to the most recent xp.

however right now the orginal game(lvls 1-60) is only $5, and comes with a month of game time, a good way to test the waters before committing more money to the game.

WoW(1-60) = $5
TBC xp(60-70) = $5
Wrath xp(70-80) = $10
cata xp(out dec 7th, 80-85) = $40
game time for one month = $15

anyways, I won't be getting cata for a while as it is pretty out of my price range atm.


TD Member
I believe lazyiie is an 80 rogue, if ur mentioning toons.
If you take out the spaces in that guild name, it'll fit.
A wow forums would be cool too.


TD Admin
I made an Orc enhanced shaman on Stormreaver for fun called "Thrallgoel" -- my ping on SR is 45ms, compared to 150ms on KJ


TD Member
LOL Roach!, reminds me of that comic I posted earlier

[quote1291108520=Shotgun Jesus]
I can see SJ reading all of this and then projectile vomiting all over his keyboard...

Damn skippy.

Welcome to 2005 SJ
that's when my aunt showed this to my dad who then showed it to me on a printed piece of paper. we then kept that picture in our Heartland Sweet Heart Wood Cookstove's storage compartment and showed it to select guests who wanted to see the glorious "Tub girl".

Rogue. Everyone has to make at least 1 rogue or druid alt, so we can all stealth gank the fuck out of everything. serious.


TD Admin
Rogue. Everyone has to make at least 1 rogue or druid alt, so we can all stealth gank the fuck out of everything. serious.
I'm gonna roll a Goblin Rogue for sure as my alt. All my "alts" so far are nothing but lvl 20-30's decked out in heirlooms LOL. But goblin rogues look fucking sick!

So Dean, you're gonna be transferring Deantehrogue over? Or doing fresh?


TD Admin
i have 2 7 day trials..let me know when u guys play and i might giv it a shot.

i can has fre itams plox?


TD Member
If u grind u can prolly get to lvl 60 in 2 weeks without heirloom gear. Only items useful are bags until u reach 85


TD Admin
Well Roach, if you want to power level and just get to max level to do the new content while face-rolling the old content, then grinding is the way to go -- although it's not stabbing hog. If you do a lot of the quest chains, do some BGs, and have us power you through some harder dungeons while you stay back and soak up XP, leveling up won't be hard at all.

I'm assuming we'll occasionally do some of the older stuff too for RP and rep sake.

EDIT: I'm fucking excited for the Rated BGs man!! And
Arena!!! FUCH YEAH!@


TD Admin
everyone says they will run friends through dungeons but it never happens.
That's what happens on your server maybe.

I've ran Steve and Pyro's twinks thru Scarlet Monastary numerous times, and they've done that for each other also. I also remember when I was 77ish and Pryo ran me through some of the earlier LK dungeons. What you need to do is join Stormreaver with us so you know how a true guild operates.


TD Member
Boomkins suck for running people in LK dungeons lol, did UK once and died mid way ffffuuuuu. Every other dungeon, in BC and Azeroth, i've ran Drek and my other buddies alts. Especially stratholme, damnit i need that mount @_@


TD Admin
Boomkins suck for running people in LK dungeons lol, did UK once and died mid way ffffuuuuu. Every other dungeon, in BC and Azeroth, i've ran Drek and my other buddies alts. Especially stratholme, damnit i need that mount @_@
Tanks are best for running people through dungeons. A good tank + shitty heals will run through most things flawlessly. A good heals can only do so much to save shitty tanks. I've stopped doing random LK dungeons as holy now because I'm tired of being paired off with a tank that has < 30k HP. Luckily I have a prot spec and some good tanking gear to go with it, so if I have to run dungeons, that's what I run it as.

Oh, and I've had a Boomkin queue as tank once. Luckily he was geared as shit, so the damage he did made up for his lack of survivability. I think he only died once due to him pulling an entire room so he can starfall...


TD Admin | Bacon
everyone says they will run friends through dungeons but it never happens.


Pyro, narf, dean, and me have run each other through countless instances and raids.

You're friends must just suck.