World of Warcraft


2012 Troll of the Year
WHAT!?! how did a wow thread get to 19 pages and me not lock it?

WoW is the killer of clans.. beewaaaaaaaaaare


TD Member
i hate wow's version of "twinking". it isnt twinking its fucking farming gear.

level locks and the gear progression in WoW is stupid as fuck.

i play/played a sci-fi mmo where real twinking to place via number crunching and actual thinking. not right-click to equip herp derp.

i always thought wow was too simple.



TD Admin
i always thought wow was too simple.
You need to try it out MR, you need to hit max level and then run the raids and fight the bosses. A lot of the times, the mechanics sound simple, but you'd be surprised how hard it so to have 24 other people coordinate with you when shit's happening all around you.


TD Member
What realm are you guys moving to? ...if you are. Also, Horde still? I'm gona make a faggot goblin.


TD Member
MR wows sucsess is in its simplicity, theres a bit of depth for the hardcore but where it shines is its accessibility to casual gamers.

i wont be picking this up however


TD Admin | Bacon

i wont be picking this up however

good we won't have to worry about anyone killing doravan.



TD Admin
What realm are you guys moving to? ...if you are. Also, Horde still? I'm gona make a faggot goblin.

Don't know yet.


TD Member
i wont be picking this up however
good we won't have to worry about anyone killing doravan.

LOL +1 steve


TD Member
Gonna probably end up picking one of these, there are east coast time based servers located in Chicago as-well, hmm

Chicago Based Central timezone- servers


PvP Rampage Balnazzar
PvP Rampage Cho'gall
PvP Rampage Gul'dan
PvP Rampage Illidan
PvP Rampage Stormreaver

PvP Shadowburn Agamaggan
PvP Shadowburn Detheroc
PvP Shadowburn Sargeras
PvP Shadowburn Wildhammer

PvP Ruin Azgalor

PvP Vindication Burning Legion
PvP Vindication Drakkari
PvP Vindication Laughing Skull
PvP Vindication Ragnaros
PvP Vindication Thunderlord


TD Admin
im currently downloading the latest update to take a look at the new content. shit is taking a long time though, not sure why. prolly have lots of people loading it still.

anyway, i AM game for a server change. the west coast raid times are pretty exhausting. however, i may not buy the game for awhile since im still looking for a decent job. :(


TD Member
Balnazzar is shite for trade/AH, i xferred off awhile back. The others in that grp are high pop/full. But, choose a realm, ill xfer there. Stormreaver has drek and a friend there already i believe.


TD Member
here's a pvp video that I made for the mmo I play to give you guys a little insight into what i waste my time on.

watch on 720p + fullscreen without a doubt or it just looks like shit.

Little insight into the GUI so it makes a little sense.

Red bar is HP obviously
Blue is nano (referred to as mana in wow)
left wall of text is the fight chat, shows damage recieved and done to other players. also if you are healed it shows here.
right wall of text is general chat and "system" messages, like executing perks, receiving errors, etc

Yellow (sometimes also green/red/gray) bars that have names under them are targeted players or NPC's. If it's empty, it means I killed them. ;)

the other shit means nothing to someone who doesn't know a lot about the game so I wont really bother explaining the rest. Show cases some good gameplay though. Arena style pvp and duels.


TD Admin | Bacon
im currently downloading the latest update to take a look at the new content. shit is taking a long time though, not sure why. prolly have lots of people loading it still.

anyway, i AM game for a server change. the west coast raid times are pretty exhausting. however, i may not buy the game for awhile since im still looking for a decent job. :(


I'm also down for a server change, but I don't know when I'll be able to get cata, what with the lack of internet and cash ATM.

I also don't know if I am even going to transfer my charaters... I may just reroll.. I know I won't have the money to pay subsciption+expansion+race change+server transfer, so I might as well reroll..

EDIT: so if any of you guys decide to transfer you're current charaters, let me know and I'll send you some items and gold to hang on to for me.