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Wings LOSE 2-1! your thoughts?

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TD Member / Gay Gyoza
game 7 is gonna be tough. hopefully they can pull it off and have a great big FUCK you to hossa.



Staff member
i don't think they are going to win, as much as i want them too. it totally depends how the game is called, and if fleury is hot or not


Hacking Faggot
I want Detroit to win at home. It was a shame that they had to win the cup last year in Pitt. Finally they can win at home and show that punk Crosby that he is worthless once more =)
Yeah I don't think they were really trying to win last night. Like Hoob says, they want to win it in Detroit; and they know they will rape the pens on their ice. "If Fleury is hot or not" Osgood has been playing like a fucking champion the whole series. My prediction is Wings > Pens 4-2

Ba Chicka Wa Wa

TD Member
Crosby is such a little bitch I hope the wall catch's him with his head down and puts him back in to diapers that little bitch. Wings better fucking destroy them. The pens got lucky breaks and nice saves by flurey last night that's the only thing that saved them. Wont happen two games in a row.

Ba Chicka Wa Wa

TD Member
Oh we should start a bet on the game and if we can come up with equal amounts total for both sides the losing side should have to donate it to TD that would be cool
I'm slightly biased to the Pens this year, want to see the talent win a cup, but I highly doubt it will happen in Detroit. I'll be happy if the Pens make a game of it atleast, if it's another blow out i'll be pissed.


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
It is gonna be a good game. Pittsburgh was all over detroit in game 6 and should have beaten them by even more. I think Detroit will bounce back and take game 7, but GO PENS!
I got no hate for the penguins, they are one hell of a team. I can't help but think of how awesome this series would have been if Ovechkin and company had put them down in the conference semis. Washington vs Detroit would have been colossal. Nitty gritty in your titties.

This series has been kinda lame, each team dominating on their home ice. To be honest, aside from this match I have only watched the first, second and third games. The pattern was so blatantly obvious I didn't bother watching until last night, and even then I knew the Pens would take it. Detroit was only skating hard enough to give the pens a hard time. Half-assed passes, leading to many a turnover didn't seem to bother them as long as they shut down Crosby and Malkin. Game 7 will see Detroit magically remember how to pass, and how to control the puck in the offensive zone. At least that should be what their plan is, from their previous home games. IMO if the Pens wanna win this shit they are gonna have to feed their third line some speed with a steroids chaser, and hope to God they repeat their Game 6 performance.

Both teams are great, but I still stand by my very uninformed prediction of Wings > Pens. If it had been Washington, it would be a totally different story.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Whats with all the Crosby hate?

People don't like that their teams get destroyed by him... everyone thinks he's "pampered" as opposed to other young stars -> but what evidence is there of that? I'll never understand.. jealousy at it's finest I guess..



TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Keeeripes pleeeeeeease.... I like Washington and all but they would have got THWOMPED by Detroit, they have no depth at all... I wish the damn Ducks took out Detroit as well.... fuck DETROIT CITY!!
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