• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Why hello there, I am new here.


I'm New Here
My name is Bolt, well that's what it used to be. Now, I am known as Spike across Steam and I have began TF2 with the thought of trading up to a high tier unusual (which I have accomplished). DGN's servers and general, helpful and kind community really reached to have me be where I am on Steam right now and I am very greatful for the staff and members who are part of this amazing community. I have been on the server for years now and I would love to begin my journey on the forums as well. I appriciate each and every one of you who took their time to read my short story on my journey and I am hoping to talk to you on this forum somewhere soon.

-Bolt a.k.a Spike