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why are people so dumb?

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TD Member
why are people actuly fighting to stop money from going into pandemic prevention because the swine flu isnt that bad? the point of putting money into this research is to prevent future oytbreaks of something that could be much worse, swine flue mnaged to spread globaly in just over 3 weeks and its estimated total death toal after its run its coarse is 100-300 thousand people about .00005% of the population. if it was saay h5n1 (bird flu) it would kill about 1 in 3 people so my point is we are very very lucky that when we had no plan to counter a global pandemic we didnt get something much worse odds are we wont get that lucky twice and thats why this research is impotent.

sry for the rant this just made me angry

Fork Included

TD Admin
LT_Clash seems like the type that would swallow anything the media bukkake's on him.

what do you actually know about the swine flu outside of what mass media tells you? It hasnt even stood the test of time yet, less than a year in and everyone is running around screaming like its the next black plague.

and now that we "got the vaccine", everyone and their grandmothers are going to go ape shit getting those shots.


TD Admin
actually everyones AFRAID to get the shots, Bill Mahr, someone i most often agree with, somehow doesnt "beleive" in vaccines and thinks they are bullshit, and other people dont want to be injected with a strain of the virus.

Bill Mahr, someone i most often agree with, somehow doesnt "beleive" in vaccines and thinks they are bullshit,

Are you fuckin serious? What a knobend, we'd all be dead if it werent for vaccines.


TD Admin
dawg ur dumb no we wouldnt... theres a flu vaccine... however 90% of ppl that take the vaccine still get flu... all a vaccine does is give u the virus in a minor dose.. to help ur body prevent it...

btw this thread is terrible


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Swine flu isn't worse than any other flu that has gone around. It just has a fancy name and the media acts like its the end of the world. People only die when they already have some other sort of sickness and get the swine flu (or any other flu for that matter).


I'm New Here
Its a "strain of the vaccine" because once you get a virus once, your body will build natural immunities to it and will not get that virus again!

I say the virus is BS and even more bs that the Canadian government is protecting the virus distributors from any repercussions if the vaccine causes a person any harm

Plus the H1N1!!! ... I'm a ex-pig farmer and the name has seriously ruined the industry, the "swine flu" has nothing to do with pigs ... is not any harsher than the regular flu ... many people die from the flu every year, what makes the swine flu so prominent? I say nothing!!
dawg ur dumb no we wouldnt... theres a flu vaccine... however 90% of ppl that take the vaccine still get flu... all a vaccine does is give u the virus in a minor dose.. to help ur body prevent it...

btw this thread is terrible

No you're dumb, i'm talking about vaccines in general. The shit you got when you were a baby.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
i think the big publicity regarding swine flue is to monitor accurately the spread of a virus that was created in a laboratory.

the flu isint even that serious the big drawbacks besides the symptoms are increased trips to the emergency room, and missed days of work.

a few deaths here and there.
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