I was bullied as well, until, holy fuck, I had an epiphany, that years of playing rugby, and working outside with my dad, had made me grow up to be one tough, mean mother fucker.
I beat the. living. piss. out of 3 of them in junior high, to such an extent, that one of them was in the hospital for many days, I was suspended for a month (to which I had to work with my dad more), and made my dad very proud.
The one dude who's face I stomped never talked to me again. I went full psycho, like come at me beast mode, bro. Flipped a switch.
I didn't gain any cred for it, but they left me alone when I was in the computer labs, which, to me, was my favorite(safest) place to be.
My dad always said, I was never allowed to fight anybody smaller than me, because thats what defines a bully, but this was one day it was alright.
To this day, I still yearn the feeling of absolute power over another human being after crushing this kids face with my fists. All y'all mother fuckers glad society exists.