What to do with Blitzkrieg...


Hey guys. Slightly serious matter, but doesn't fit in with the requirements for the Serious F'n Business so I'll just wedge this post right in the TF2 section. At my second term here at DARKLY (meaning this past few months), I've grown to love it. The community of the forums is great as well as the trade servers that you guys offer. Especially, the admins. I'd like to give a personal shoutout to the following people: Discodude, Regal Waffle, and Gatherix. You guys are doing great. Also, Zachy, your cool too :P. When I applied to be an admin here, I really didn't know anything. I put down La-Di-Da stuff so that it seemed like I was fit for the job. I'm sure the stuff I put could be found in other app's to. But, it was denied before the DARKLY TF2 community really got to know me. The reason I want to be an admin has changed. Its not only to make DARKLY a better place which can be found in any app, but it is to stregnthen the ties of community throughout the servers, to distinguish the regulars and form bonds that can really promote the DARKLY name. I've helped out a lot in DARKLY affairs (ask Discodude, or Regal Waffle) to stop mic-spammers, scammers, etc. and I think that now everyone know me much more well, that I should have one more go at an application. Im not trying to be impudent or rude at all, and I'm deeply sorry if I'm coming off that way, but I just want to be judged again, with the new insight that everyone has. Thanks for being awesome DARKLY and I hope that a second try is possible.



TD Admin / Wanker
You have shown a certain degree of maturity recently, and have been helping with spammers etc as you said.
Although, don't you have that website to help out with now?
It wouldn't be fair to you to expect you to work for them, and to Admin for us.


I can handle both of them, my job kind of slowed down there at this moment. We are in a phase where we really need two people. One who can create a website and another who is good with Microsoft Visual Studios. I am not skilled with either of those. My only job as of now is to find those people.


TD Admin / Wanker
If you honestly feel like you can do both...then the only thing you can do is re-apply.
The worst is you will be turned down, again.

Although, I'm not sure if people are allowed to apply again after being rejected or anything.


TF2 Admin
If you honestly feel like you can do both...then the only thing you can do is re-apply.
The worst is you will be turned down, again.

Although, I'm not sure if people are allowed to apply again after being rejected or anything.

It has been quite a while. I think that only applies to re-posting of the same app several times within a short time span.


Professional Cocksucker
" Its not only to make DARKLY a better place which can be found in any app, but it is to stregnthen the ties of community throughout the servers, to distinguish the regulars and form bonds that can really promote the DARKLY name"

Im confused as to why people keep throwing that (and similar things) into their apps/reasons for wanting admin. You dont need to be an admin to do any of that stuff.

It seems as if every single person thats come through the server has asked for admin at one point in time.
" Its not only to make DARKLY a better place which can be found in any app, but it is to stregnthen the ties of community throughout the servers, to distinguish the regulars and form bonds that can really promote the DARKLY name"

Im confused as to why people keep throwing that (and similar things) into their apps/reasons for wanting admin. You dont need to be an admin to do any of that stuff.

It seems as if every single person thats come through the server has asked for admin at one point in time.
A good liar needs to have a good memory. *Past applicants that were removed that have that quote* It's to sway favor with privileges, a quid pro quo if you will.

Blitzkrieg You made an entire post for this? :getout:


DARKLY Middleman
While I may not be an 'admin' here, I've seen this kind of behavior during my journalese inside clans. Damn son, ya gotta be patient, they'll make up their mind when they are ready to make it up, constantly asking = constantly delaying your application.

I can say right now your first derp is making a thread about you, what are ya, a show off? Show off some skillz in trading, stay active, gain trust, interact with the community members, become uber player for the week, that sort of things, it's not your words that'll do it, but your actions. This...is not the right action right now.