READ ME What Is and What Isn't an Exploit (on Toronto Darkly)


DARKLY Regular
to get up there non boosted the image is blurred until you get to the top part. You jump into window sill over looking the stairs and jump on top of the window shade then from the window shade jump onto the wood posts sticking out and then run straight back until you get the the top of a. You can also boost there


DARKLY Regular
to boost seize you jump out the hole above a onto the wooden posts with another player jump on their head and then onto top


Staff member
Getting that rooftop AK on Desert is an exploit because its skywalking no? That and it brings to you a part of the map thats not in the actual map.
SB is right, you get it by using the skybox= illegal

All other AK's (3 total) are legit to get.


TD Admin | Bacon
Either way doesn't seem like it much of an issue, few people know of the skybox way to the ak, and I don't think I've seen it pulled off in the pub in years.

Its pretty much easier to boost to that AK above A


Professional Cocksucker
Its not do-able at the start unless you get a good spawn and get it on your first try. I remember camping on top of it in the pub way back when when me biop and cock (or keeripes cant remember which) found out how to get there.

Also, if i recall, you cant boost to get up there. You can get all 4 aks alone, all legit except the one above a.


DARKLY Regular
boosting up there is easy. check youtube for how. I was just asking. i've done it from window a time or two on the server but stopped after was asked to stop by Cock lol.