in my experience, gamers have no idea what they want...ESPECIALLY console gamers. While playing they say they want more, the next iteration comes out they say they want it like it was...
This man speaks truth. I try to avoid following the reviews and trends in games. I've noticed certain game companies tend to make their way onto my "Purchased" list moreso than others... Petroglyph, JoWood and Tilted Mill to name a few. Ultimately, I think you have to play what you enjoy rather than just follow the hype and be a lemming consumer.
As for the gay angle.... who cares? If a few gay people and/or chicks with weird fetishes want to RP gay dudes, all the power to them. If there were lesbian options, I doubt anyone would complain because girl on girl action is more markettable to the sex-cravings of the 14 - 34 male audience that fills the Gaming world's Coffers with dollars. Unless you try to RP a homo or spend more time reading reviews and gamer QQ about the game instead of actually playing it, would you even know it was there?
Personally, I'm a cheapskate and I usually only buy games once they are $20 or less because that's all a game is worth to me. Let's face it, a game is taking me away from productive behaviours which will increase my health, my income, and likely prolong my life. Like smoking cigarettes, it makes no sense to me to pay to decrease my quality of living.... that, and I'm a cheap skate. :S
When it goes on Sale, I'm sure I'll buy ME3. I enjoyed ME2.
Also agree that Origin dicks babies and wipes off on their teddy bears. Galaxies made me download "Station", the OTHER Steam wannabe, and it was lame. Still, it's inevitable that if there is Coke, there will be Pepsi and RC Cola to follow it. That's just the reality of commercialism.
+1 to DM's comments about hookers. I'd quote it, but I can't manage to multi-quote in one quick reply. i r fail.