What Happened DARKLY?


A restart will probably help.
Especially when there are a ton of dispensers and sprays in one area


Death by Darkly
Instead of making a new thread, I just opted to just post here.

For the past few days the TF2 trade servers have been increasingly getting more and more choppy.
Not sure what's going on, but I know it's not on my side.
I asked numerous other players and they are experiencing this as well.
I'm thinking they just need a restart, but I wouldn't know anything about it.

Anyone know what the problem is?

I'm tweaking the server networking settings to find the most optimal settings; over time it should get better as I work on it.


TD Admin
It seems that on server #1 I am having troubles with my !store perks.

I can access the !store just fine:

I can't get to my inventory though:

Therefore I have no perks:

Everything worked fine on the other servers, not sure what the issue is on there though...
I'm in no rush to get this solved, but I figured I would bring it up.

Edit: It doesn't seem to be working on #4 either, immediacy said it's been broken for a few days now.

Just checked, on all other servers the store is functioning properly.


TD Admin
Lag and chopiness have increased drastically over the course of a few days, probably just need a restart or something but I recorded a video of what I am experiencing myself in order to get a more accurate diagnostic:
