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What got you into CS:S?

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I played team fortress classic back in the day then I got away from online FPS and about a year ago I went to my friends house and he was telling me about CS:S and how cheap it is $19.99 so I went to future shop and bought the last copy and it's been magical ever since.

What about the rest of you?

Fork Included

TD Admin
CS:S or CS in general?

i got into source maybe a year and a half after it came out, i was still rocking 1.6 for quite a bit. I dont like playing games that my system cant run smoothly, and at the time my computer was lacking.

the first game that i bought after putting together a new system was half-life 2, and consequently CS:S, and it stuck with me.

i got into the original counterstrike around 1.3, I couldnt run UT, and games like Rainbow six just blew ass, particulary the multiplayer interface (i forget what the thing was called, it was web-based, i used to play AoE2 on it), this was also when my dad an I finaly got cable internet!

also 2 of my good buddies at the time were rocking counterstrike and got me to join in.

Counter-Strike gameplay mechanics attract me compared to every other FPS, although i havent played any of the recent Tom Clancy games, but their multiplayer is ass.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Been playing since Beta 3, sadly. Source looked better than the usual beta and 1.0+ shit, so I bought the garbage.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
My friend gave me a bootleg CD of CS i believe in 2002. I never paid for the game until source came out, after which i registered this 6 digit steamid that my buddy gave me before the original owner could register it. Bahaha. Sooo yea i been playing on and off since 2002. Didnt start playing on TD until i think 03. Bah...7 years playing this stupid game and i'm still an average player. :)


TD Admin
Was at a friend house and his brother was playing, so I gave it a try, went to a game store after, and bought myself a copy of half life generation pack which contain hl/tf classic/cs and opposing force for only $20,

Think it was 1.5 during the time i was first playing, then 1.6 then CZ got release, played CZ for couple of years, I didn't switch over to CS:S till 3 years ago, I think. been on and off playing CS ever since.


TD Admin
One day someone kicked me in the nuts and I said "Hey, I like being miserable, let's go buy CS and spend innumerable wasted hours hating my life."
I played the original beta in high school, I believe.. Then I stopped playing games in general for a good 3-4 years. Bought Half-life 2, with CS:S and got back into it. Found TD about a year and a half back, and this is my CS:S home. Strangely enough though, in a sort of regression, I have started playing 1.6 more often than not having completely missed out on it the first time around.

LOL Now I spam walls and crouch hop in Source for no reason, and since the recoil patterns are horrendously different between the two games I find I now have trouble hitting head shots in Source. Still love the game though, definitely easy on the eyes and fun to pub.


Staff member
There was a Web cafe near my school that was called "toptop" I played CS there with some buddies of mine. at lunch time it would pack up to about 30 people in that place all playing CS on the LAN, then steam came out and all that shit went downhill so i got my own system and played online.

I Still would rather play on a LAN.

I got in CS:S about a year or so ago because 1.6 looks like shit.


TD Member
I bought my first computer back in 2000 I think, played team fortress for a bit, then I went and bought cs, think it was 1.0 or 1.1 retail. Played it for awhile then got into day of defeat when it was a mod and played it right until hl2 came out, then dod source sucked cock when it first came out so I went back to CS:S.

vinny paz

TD Admin
CS was secondary to me after Half Life. I played the old CS like 6 years ago but wasn't a fan. Mostly cause everyone else was just too good and it was hard fitting in when you're constantly getting owned.

Then Half-Life 2 came out and I picked that up. After I beat that I tried Source, and it's been my favourite game ever since.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
The first FPS which got me addicted was the original UNREAL. Like 11 years ago now, at first played UWAR then RCTF (both capture the flag modes). Then the mod 'Infiltration' came out (which is like cs in a lot of ways, headshots would actually take the head off their body and instant kill) and played this for a couple years. (not many people played the game, was tight like the TD community is for CS). I remember my friend being like play counterstrike and I was like fuck that, that game sucks for years.

Then I bought Counter Strike when it was like the 1.5 patch or some shit. Got HL2 right away pretty much and have played source ever since.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
ive played HL online as soon as the game came out. then cs came out and i hated it because of hax and rape, so i played team fortress classic a lot. then ppl in my high school started skipping class to go to the internet cafe and play lan cs 1.3-1.5. i remember how one day i was playing 1.5 and the next day the game has turned into the STEAMing pile o shit 1.6. i played a lot at he time. then my buddy told me about TD, you might remember MoFo in the AEQ days. ive never played this much cs until TD.


TD Admin
A buddy of mine in university introduced me to it. It was 2nd year of engineering. I played on a server called Salad Bowl and it was 1.5 back then. We then introduced it to a bunch of other engineering students and we played almost everyday at a near by cybercafe. Semester went by and more than of half of our group that were playing CS 1.5 failed horribly and got kicked out of the program (including my friend who introduced me to CS, but not me hehe). After that, there wasn't really anyone who would play again LOL so I too stopped playing until March 2007 when I was bored and so I went out to buy a copy of CS:S and the same friend who introduced me to CS, introduced me to TD. This was also the same fucker who knifed me and so I started knifing so I could get him back...but of course as you know, that never really stopped..hahahaha....
Back in grade 3 I'd go to my friends house and he'd always be playing CS 1.5. Yes the Counter Strike where EVERYONE played D2 and the console came down from the top of the screen and the background looked like this...

ANYWAYS i sucked really badly...but one day I found Half-Life Game of The Year Edition in Walmart like 2 years later little did i know you needed steam at this time so i thought mine was broken for a year >.< GOT IT TO WORK joined Cal-O got 8===D (_(_| ASS RAPED and quit. Then found Half Life 2 Game Of The Year Edition in Future Shop bought it and have been pubbing source for 5 years :D
Bought HalfLife GOTR edition way back in 2000. Saw this extra game that came with it, and being the mooch that I was/am, Had to try it out and get my moneys worth. Hooked up my 56k line with a 10 metre phone wire and been addicted since 1.2.
I bought CS about a year after it was released, so around 1.2 ~ 1.3 or so I think. Played it for a good 2 years, finally gave it up & sold it to a bud after the speed hack came out, too much gheyness with hacks ruined it.

Picked up HL2 as soon as it was released.

In between those 2 games I played a mod for UT called Frag.Ops, pretty much a straight up CS clone with better graphics, didn't really catch on but it was fun for it's time.

Fork Included

TD Admin
Back in grade 3 I'd go to my friends house and he'd always be playing CS 1.5. Yes the Counter Strike where EVERYONE played D2 and the console came down from the top of the screen and the background looked like this...

ANYWAYS i sucked really badly...but one day I found Half-Life Game of The Year Edition in Walmart like 2 years later little did i know you needed steam at this time so i thought mine was broken for a year >.< GOT IT TO WORK joined Cal-O got 8===D (_(_| ASS RAPED and quit. Then found Half Life 2 Game Of The Year Edition in Future Shop bought it and have been pubbing source for 5 years :D

that makes you 17?
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