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What got you into CS:S?

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Czar played CSS for a while, and i thought it was gay as hell haha, he made me buy it about a year and a half ago. And well we all know the outcome!


TD Admin
Saw CS Beta 2.4 at my buddies computer store. Tried, been playing it ever since. Mostly just LAN when drunk, since I have migrated to the INTERNETS when drunk :), prolly about 3 years ago.


TD Member
I started playing back before steam 1.4 i believe. One of my friends was hiding himself away playing this shit and we all teased him fiercely, Till we saw what he was playing. Then i got an old rinky dink pos cpu and started playin that shit suckin it up, became a cs geek ever since. fell off after i.6 came out. got talked into buying source in 05? and have been playing off and on ever since. sucking...............> Found T.D. and still sucking lol


TD Member
Started playing cs then cz think iv'e played way too many hours over the years what i like the most was the voip some of the exchanges are down right hilarious. if your get on a good server like TD.


TD Admin
After playing half life, part of me didnt want it to end. so CS came next.
the day the CS:S trailer came out had us freaking out. followed by the beta...ohh god i remember the beta. amazing.


TD Admin
Some fag in secondary school.

uh, CS:S = Counter-Strike: Source, not Consensual Sex: Schoolboys


TD Admin
Czar played CSS for a while, and i thought it was gay as hell haha, he made me buy it about a year and a half ago. And well we all know the outcome!

...so, you like being gay as hell? o.O

.44 caliber

TD Admin
I was introduced by my best friend back in the day. Cant remember how long ago exactly but I think it was 2 updates before condition zero (1.3??) was absolutrly hooked. Then I bought a copy of the game along with HL, Oppose forces, and Blue shift.

Dabbled here and there as I was the only one of my friends who enjoyed cool games other than goldeneye. I gave my buddy my copy of the game, as I was bored of it and he registered the SID when CZ and STEAM came out. Then He got me back into it and wouldn't give me back my game with the old SID (Piece of shit!) So we stopped being friends soon after and I started back up when I got game of the year HL2 and CS:S.

That same friend introduced me to TD randomly about 2 years ago. He got banned multiple times for being a PITA (his name was Flying Horse / African God if you remember) and I stayed ever since.
I had a networking class in high school and we set up a room that was pretty much used just for cs. I got sick of being worst in the class so I bought source to practice at home.


TD Member
In my case, we played CS at McGill using the LAN network and my friend jsut bought it for me this christmas so yeah I'm a CS noob, I've been hooked on CS since December 2008 LOL


TD Admin
Man ... I used to work in an Internet Cafe back home. When the game was lunched, we had it installed on all computers (24 of them) and I just got hooked.

Night time we all gathered (me and my frieds), build 2 teams and play all night long - fking good times :). You have no ideea how many nights I have wasted on CS.

Later on we started to have tournaments with prizes and stuff. Heh ... memories. Fck ... I miss that life so much :(.

Funny thing is I always played with stolen accounts until I got in Canada and CS:S was released :D.
What got me into CSS?

My wife, she used to complain; "All you ever do is sit and watch the TV. Why don't you at least take up an on-line game, then you can get some exercise in your right arm and fingers!"

So here I am.


TD Admin
and now Kirock ... does your right hand get lots of exercise

<<<<<<<<<<<< Bukkake >>>>>>>>>>>>>


TD Admin
Cost me $25.00 and a case of beer for Greg (daughter boyfriend) to installed the game for me. Such a noob at first, maybe still a noob?

Lol :P


TD Admin | Bacon
Cost me $25.00 and a case of beer for Greg (daughter boyfriend) to installed the game for me. Such a noob at first, maybe still a noob?

Lol :P

I have such a bag joke to say, but I'll keep it to myself because you are newer here.

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