apparently at comparable quality too
apparently at comparable quality too
Wonder what snack franchise will be killed next...
Yup. Murica's fat-lusting population can now turn to Greasy shit pizza stuffed with hot-dogs made from homeless dogs and old shoes instead.Not surprised, Twinkies and Wonder Bread were at the top of the hit list for health-conscious living.
You should tell that to the Management that got multiple raise's while its company was failing, and during a recession.
Yes I agree the management does need a reality check.
AIDSI've never had a twinkie..or snowball..or wonderbread...
What are they all like?
Your 100% right... the people that work in the factory and make the Twinkies should get paid millions, not the management that keep the company running.
Who said anything about paying Labor workers millions of dollars? Or anything about Gardening? If you're just going to blow everything I say out of proportion, you're deflecting rather then defending your opinions and views.
Why is it okay for management to give itself raises, like you said earlier in a bad economy, and while failing?
Its ok for bonuses and raises because management and exempt workers do not get paid overtime like the union workers do, so all the hours they put in they're "technically" working for free.
Okay, that's working on the premise this is a functional company it's not.
If you have no extra income, why are you giving people raises? As you're famous for saying, where does the money come from?
The whole point of bonuses for management should be only when they meet or exceed financial goals. Management and non-management should not expect raises/bonuses in tough times. I don't really feel bad for anyone at Hostess.