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What a crazy bitch

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TD Admin

I am sorry honey. This is one big misunderstanding; I thought you were drinking without me.
I will replace your 5 iron. ok


2012 Troll of the Year
oh yeah, if I'm holding my kid, and someone is swinging at me, I don't care if its a dude, a girl or the goddamn president of the united states, they're going to get smashed old school. Can't say it would hold true otherwise, but that crazy bitch swung at buddy while he was holding his kid and even hit the kid with the golf club.

She's right, he is a pussy.
Ohhh man, I woulda smacked a bitch. I mean hospital bills, son. JAIL TIME.

Couldn't give two fucks about the new speedholes in my truck, but you don't ever fuck with kids like that.

I do not generally condone violence, but if this is real oh man I would do a 5 year stretch to underline that point.


Staff member
if he took her down after she hurt that one kid, no jury would find him at fault. I was scared for my childs life, end of story.

Im sure glad it was just her fists and a golf club, people like this go on shooting rampages when they get a gun.....


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
oh yeah, if I'm holding my kid, and someone is swinging at me, I don't care if its a dude, a girl or the goddamn president of the united states, they're going to get smashed old school. Can't say it would hold true otherwise, but that crazy bitch swung at buddy while he was holding his kid and even hit the kid with the golf club.

She's right, he is a pussy.

you are totally right man. i could care less about those rednecks, but the kid should not be witnessing this, let alone be in the middle of it. like, the kid was crying for fucks sake, like, wtf.

47's words of wisdom: the law is FUCKED UP and WEIRD. it works in strange ways. if the guy knocked the bitch, even in self defense, he still can get fucked. best thing to do: grab the kid, lock yourself in the house, call the popo. criminal charge = about $5000 in lawyer fees. dont be a hero, as long as u live in North America, be a bitch and do the "RIGHT" thing (hide and call 911 like a little girl)


TD Member
when the fuck did we turn from a society where people respected each other because if they didn't they would be eating knuckles to a society of bitches who can't stand up for themselves for fear of being charged. Society = fucked.

I've said it for years, we defend the wrong doers and let the good guys eat dirt; nothing right about that.
Personally, I hate it when people freak out at me. And I hate it when people damage my shit. If I was in that guy's situation I would undoubtedly lose my sense of control. I wouldn't punch her, I would tackle and then pin her and probably strangle her till I regained my senses...
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