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Well played Steam, well played.


TF2 Admin


Still the 4th most popular sale on Steam atm...


TD Admin | Bacon
bad single player games you could just torrent and pay $0 for.

Don't support bad mainstream game dev's and the bads who work for them.


A Little Darkly
laughing at the fact the bundle costs more then the individual games still.....
Way to spot that one, funny how people miss that kind of shit.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
good post. everyone should post about sales and shit. as far a fc3, no thx after fc2.
Steam royally fucked up some of the sales this year, have you seen the bundles they had for sale? Chopped to annihilation. RIP DOW.


A Little Darkly
To be honest, the sad part is I love steam sales.....or similar style deals.
The fact is, compared to your local game store they're actually making something worth seeing.
I click on all the daily deal messages, even if I hate the game I see, just to know what they're offering when it's Christmas time.
I just lose some faith every time I see a corporation of this magnitude fail at one of their most lucrative occasions......
Really this is one of those laugh that you weren't a sucker moments.


TD Member
this is nowhere near as bad as when valve got hacked and visa was calling me about fraud in the am. nothing worse than being roused from a sound sleep to have to hear someone tell you shit just got real.