We need a North American tournament


DARKLY Regular
ITT: as above.

I'm still adrenaline-hungover from ESL Cologne, but honestly what is there to suggest that we can't have one in North America? Specifically in Toronto?

Viewership smashed records, more people are active in the game, trading has gone through the roof. CS GO is HUGE.

Also, Toronto would be infinitely better than the States namely because of the States' general "fuck you immigrant" approach to immigration. (source: I've been strip-searched twice). We need those Swedes mentally intact!

Even better: we should totally organise it.


TD Member
Yeah the biggest tournament in NA would be the ESEA LAN event. Would like to see more high-value tournaments pop up in NA to help grow the CSGO pro scene here. I remember Toronto hosting the NASL finals (a big league event for starcraft 2), so the same could probably be done for CS lol. Just need to get people watching CSGO league matches in bars like they did for SC2 and LoL to attract more attention lol.


DARKLY Regular
ESEA LAN is coming up soon. Even sooner then that is the CEVO LAN which will be primarily North America.

Also, Toronto would be WORST place to hold a large lan. There are a couple of reasons for this:
1) Toronto has one of the highest (if not the highest) landing fee for flights coming from outside Canada. Which means almost nobody will have a reason to come unless the prize pool is gigantic (unlikely). Teams from America won't even come, forget the EU teams.
2) There is terrible marketing here and the majority of the major sponsors are American anyways, so they would not see a point in holding a large Canadian event.
3) ESEA is the major league in NA and they are american. They also host the LAN in Dallas, which is one the cheapest places to fly and get hotels in. Thats why most EU teams make the trip since the cost is low
4) There are no good Canadian teams!


DARKLY Regular
ESEA LAN is coming up soon. Even sooner then that is the CEVO LAN which will be primarily North America.

Also, Toronto would be WORST place to hold a large lan. There are a couple of reasons for this:
1) Toronto has one of the highest (if not the highest) landing fee for flights coming from outside Canada. Which means almost nobody will have a reason to come unless the prize pool is gigantic (unlikely). Teams from America won't even come, forget the EU teams.
2) There is terrible marketing here and the majority of the major sponsors are American anyways, so they would not see a point in holding a large Canadian event.
3) ESEA is the major league in NA and they are american. They also host the LAN in Dallas, which is one the cheapest places to fly and get hotels in. Thats why most EU teams make the trip since the cost is low
4) There are no good Canadian teams!
Well aren't you a bundle of joy.

1) Landing fees aren't what determines your next vacation (if it does, you probably shouldn't be vacationing to begin with), so why do you think it will affect a tournament? As such these tournaments are filled with people who WANT to go, and I'm almost certain that those who want to attend will find a way to do so. Driving is an option for most in central/eastern 'murica.

2) Perennial problem EVERYWHERE. You think Europe has better marketing than the states? Sponsors are attracted by numbers, and if 400k unique viewers for the final alone for an INTERNET event doesn't impress you then I don't know what will.

3) Competition is healthy mmkay. Also, see point 1). The sports leagues sure didn't get started by people whining about how far/expensive shit is from everywhere else.

4) That can change. Where were ALL the good German teams at Cologne? Oh that's right, just mouz. We have two Canadians on Cloud9 that would consider this a home tourney. And also, who gives a flying toss?

I prefer to have a more optimistic outlook on proceedings. I'm not saying we should host an event that rivals ESL's fancy do's straight out of the gate. Start small and local, hype it up, and maybe in 3-4 years it could be a contender for a major event in CS calendar. If Starcraft can do it (Fan Expo Canada), why can't we?


TD Admin
If I learned one thing so far in life, it's that too much optimism is just bullshitting to yourself that everything will be great.

We are capable of hosting a big tournament, as seen in the NASL for SC2, but have any of you watched that and compared it to MLG, the Code S Finals on GOM, or Intel Extreme Masters? NASL was fucking garbage.

The games were great, so kiddos on whoever create the tournament bracket, but look at the audience and that pretty much sums up why major tournaments don't want to host here. We just don't have the numbers, and that matters a lot for a major tournament.

Also, for CSGO Europe does have better marketing than NA, because they have a bigger market. NiP has their own sandwich at McDonald's called the McNiP ffs. CS is rooted in EU like Starcraft is to the Koreans.


DARKLY Regular
Well aren't you a bundle of joy.

1) Landing fees aren't what determines your next vacation (if it does, you probably shouldn't be vacationing to begin with), so why do you think it will affect a tournament? As such these tournaments are filled with people who WANT to go, and I'm almost certain that those who want to attend will find a way to do so. Driving is an option for most in central/eastern 'murica.

2) Perennial problem EVERYWHERE. You think Europe has better marketing than the states? Sponsors are attracted by numbers, and if 400k unique viewers for the final alone for an INTERNET event doesn't impress you then I don't know what will.

3) Competition is healthy mmkay. Also, see point 1). The sports leagues sure didn't get started by people whining about how far/expensive shit is from everywhere else.

4) That can change. Where were ALL the good German teams at Cologne? Oh that's right, just mouz. We have two Canadians on Cloud9 that would consider this a home tourney. And also, who gives a flying toss?

I prefer to have a more optimistic outlook on proceedings. I'm not saying we should host an event that rivals ESL's fancy do's straight out of the gate. Start small and local, hype it up, and maybe in 3-4 years it could be a contender for a major event in CS calendar. If Starcraft can do it (Fan Expo Canada), why can't we?

I think you took my response the wrong way. I would love for a major LAN in Canada, but it will never happen for CSGO. The things I was stating were facts, not stuff to be disputed. I've played at high competitive levels and these are the known reasons for why large NA LANS will stay in America. Also, Europe is the major hub of CSGO play, Canada isn't a blimp on the radar.

Vacations? What are you talking about lol These are sponsoring companies whose major goal is profit. The cost of flight, cost of living for their players, and bootcamping fee's is EVERYTHING they care about. Bringing vacation into it only shows a lack of understanding of high level competitive CS play.

All the good german teams are not good enough to have qualified for ESL. That is why only mouz went. The others were not invited because they sucked/were not good enough to qualify. There is NO Canadian team, having players on other teams means nothing.

"Small and local" LANS happen often in the US. A recent one actually just finished called the SOCAL Revival LAN. A lot of great teams went, want to guess what the viewer numbers were? <8k. And thats in CALIFORNIA. Imagine having a "small and local" lan that you hype up in Toronto where no good teams are near?