Water cooling


2012 Troll of the Year
Just did a full rebuild of my dog slow PC, added a CPU water cooler (was a bitch) and dropped my operating temp from 80c to 20c!!

A-Mazing! Big recommendations for anyone to do the same, plus it was relatively cheap, $80?


2012 Troll of the Year
Corsair hydro H50.

Its a contained unit, however installation is not trivial, I had to fully remove my mobo to gain access to the backside of it to install the backplate for the cooler.

Furthermore the radiator/fan assembly is HUGE and doesn't "fit" anywhere in my case, and secondly the water tubes are too rigid to twist it enough to mount to the side of my computer.

Currently I have my computer on its side, case off, with my cooler unit hanging off the back of it. Its ghetto.

However, the desired performance has been reached.


TD Admin
Picture please? If its that cheap I may have to invest in doing the same. My case is HUGE and designed for WC, but I don't want to have shit hanging all over the place.


2012 Troll of the Year
Blocked at work.

what overclocking software to you use, I have intel...

do you do this right from the bios, or 3rd party software?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Never use software. ALWAYS use BIOS to overclock. You'll attain inaccurate values on voltages and temperature using software overclock.

Perferred software to monitor temperature is "CoreTemp" as it reads from the built-in Intel/AMD sensors (on the cpu itself). Make sure you google for the proper version (x86/32-bit or x64/64-bit).

Overclocking with BIOS takes patience and testing, so take your time.


2012 Troll of the Year
So whats teh order?

crank up FSB speeds until it locks, then adjust voltage up incrementally till the fucker boots?>


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i have no idea what im doing, but its working, LOL !

set your multiplier high as shit and increase the freq a notch at a time. once u reach a freq that fails, increase voltage until it works (within reason). and the keep adding freq and voltage until temps get too hot.

whenever u make any change, test with prime 95 and watch temps with coretemp. u only have to test with prime95 for 10 mins, bad setting usually crash right away.