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Its nice to be helpful and meet new people, a good way to network and looks great on a resume. Good experience and can open more opportunity for you.
I volunteer for my school, helping with orientations and information sessions ect. I have also managed a bottle drive for leukemia research where we accept empty's and put the money towards the cause.
I will be participating in habitat for humanity in January.
I highly recommend it to anyone with some time to spare.
I've yet to take part in any volunteering but I hope to soon get involved. I plan on applying to become a fire fighter in my mid 20s and apparently volunteering is very important in getting a job with them. That being said, I'm going to try to volunteer at trillium hospital since it's not too far from me.
On a side note: would you mind giving me some info on this habitat for humanity drew? Thanks
i did the katimavik program in 2003-2004 it was a good time, an overall positive experience for youths 17-21.
the volunteering is what you make of it, you can be doing some shitty volunteer placements (worked in a clothing bank/second hand clothes store) to kick ass ones, re-vitalizing a trailer park in largehole alberta lol, building campgrounds, trails, playgrounds and shit.