Video Card upgrade time

Team Dim Sum JC

A Little Darkly
My girlfriend gave me money for my bday to get myself a present and I think it's time to upgrade my card. I currently have the 5700 and it's not cutting it anymore.

I was looking at the 7750 or the nvidia 650 2gb . Both around same price but I'm thinking the 650 would be better option?

Thoughts people? I'm tired of running 50 fps on GO lol I blame my low KDR on that


TD Admin
I'm using a 460 gtx at 2560x1600 resolution and I get somewhere around 85 FPS. I'm sure any new card you buy will be fine.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
JC is only getting fucking 60fps with his new card. hes running a store-bought quad core amd rig. v-sync is off/


TD Admin
Nah, thanks. You should have sold it to JC before he upgraded. Apparently the 460 gtx is slightly better than the 650 gtx.


TD Admin
I usually buy the x60 GTX for any given generation. I find it's usually a good balance of price and power. They easily last me three generations; more if I don't feel like spending the money. However, I understand that not everyone has $200 to spend for a video card every 2 - 3 years. I did notice that the 460 GTX is cheaper on Newegg than the 650 GTX, though it does use more power. Sometimes I think Nvidia purposefully tries to confuse consumers with their naming conventions, especially when the x60 from two generations ago is more powerful than the current generation's x50.

Team Dim Sum JC

A Little Darkly
Hey thanks for the responses. I went with the 7770 and getting 50-60 fps. I will post full stats of my comp when i get home and also what settings I have things at in game and in the control centre. I have 12 days now to return the card should it not be sufficient. Keep you posted. I was thinking that going from the 5750 to the 7770 would be a big change but nothing has changed ... GRRRR


Staff member
CS has always been more CPU intensive, what Processor do you have?

Edit: make sure VSYNC is turned off in ATI control center as well as CS:GO

Team Dim Sum JC

A Little Darkly
Thanks for the help guys... I really want to boost to at least 100-150 fps. If I can't get it with the 7770 then i might as well return and save for a $200 card or something

Team Dim Sum JC

A Little Darkly
k I just boosted my cpu power to full (was at 1.2 ghz now 2.4 ghz) and I'm getting 80-100 on night fever.. I think that was the issue


Staff member
The new card will make a difference, you should be able to max out settings with that 7770,