vid: human powered car

although new technologies are great because they end up being ground breaking ideas for better machines, i don't think this will be anywhere near successful. people want to get to places faster, not slower imo. but that does look like a hell of a lot of fun and i would do it if i lived in a warm state!


TD Member
sweet consept but all the electrics might be a problem, headilghts and such so not very road legal. also after a long day at home the last thing i want to do it rowing machine my way home


TD Member
how cyclists see drivers:

how drivers see cyclists:

imo the bicycle is the most efficient artifact ever conceived.

its good for you, good for the planet, cheap, faster than anything else within a city. they can get you where u need to go, no doubt. but it requires a modification in lifestyle versus the automobile (where you can eat mcmuffins on your way to work, you arrive there with no effort, you keep people employed pumping oil out of the earth and manufacturing those steel deathtraps, etc..) hahaha. neway i love those caricatures

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