Upcoming Movies Thread


Professional Cocksucker
it comes out june 8th...explain this madness

Fuck me im high, your post confused the hell out of me. I was sitting here trying to figure out what was going on for a good 5 minutes till i just gave up, scrolled to see Steve's post and realized that confusion. Steve is correct, i was referring to John Carter.


TD Admin

Hmm looks pretty good


TD Admin
Didnt see this one in here and it needs to be posted!



TD Admin | Bacon
Emma Stone was smoking hot in the new spider man! Man she is fine as a blonde.

The movie was pretty good IMO, better than Spiderman 2 & 3, not quite better than the first movie though. Stay through the credits for pre-movie hype for movie 2

The 4th Bourne movie looks awesome!!!



TD Admin
so toward the bourne movie, the director wants to make a 5th with matt daemon and this new guy but they have the new guy cause matt didnt weant to do it lol what a tard


TD Admin
Is that movie going to be 5 hours long? it takes place in like 6 different eras! gonna be a mindfuck for sure.

i was close to turning it off until 2 mins lol


Staff member
So Wait a minute. Larry is now Lana, so if Lana is identifying as a female doesn't that mean the whole Wachowski Brothers are now the Wachowski Siblings?

I guess it doesn't matter if it's brothers or siblings. Anything they create from scratch is usually bad.

The original Matrix was a rip off and the two original movies that followed are BAD
V for Vendetta was a Graphic Novel

Everything else is meh.

Edit: I stopped watching the trailer after the 2min mark. I get what they're trying to do and I will see Cloud Atlas.