Upcoming Movies Thread


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
"event horizon" fucking scared the shit out of me, back in the day. that looks similar, but more crazy


TD Admin
"event horizon" fucking scared the shit out of me, back in the day. that looks similar, but more crazy
fuckin great movie tho.
im really excited for Prometheus

Prediction: David goes crazy and kills everyone. no aliens to be seen in the film.


TD Admin
New Wachowski Brothers movie plot: Jupiter Ascending

A universe in which “human beings are just the Cro-Magnons, or even the Australopithecines, of what beings can ultimately go on to become in the galaxy. … these higher forms of life are watching us from other, albeit this time non-meta worlds, but actual, other worlds, as in planets and moons.”
The unlikely, reluctant heroine is a Russian immigrant (Mila Kunis) who is busily scrubbing toilets for a living. Unbeknownst to her, she actually possesses the same perfect genetic makeup as the Queen of the Universe and is therefore a threat to her otherwise immortal rule.
These evolved beings fall into various different groups, all of which share some human DNA but who have over centuries been bred with animal DNA to heighten their best characteristics—e.g., soldiers getting their fearlessness, strength, and a pack mentality from wolves; workers getting their industriousness and reputation for diligence from bees.
Pretty soon, a bounty hunter (Channing Tatum) of the evolved-being type is dispatched to dispose of Kunis’ genetically blessed cleaning lady, but, as you’d expect with a Matrix re-dux, they fall in love. And for having fallen for his target, the bounty hunter gets targeted for extermination.

:/ meh.


TD Admin | Bacon
Anyone planning on checking out Snow Wh1te and the Huntsman this weekend?

Looks really good.


TD Member
I wonder if Prometheus will be good. Idris Elba is in it, so an automatic plus there. Also, Charlize Theron has two major movies coming out in two weeks. That's pretty ballin', as long as neither is like John Carter. btw, did anyone actually see John Carter?


TD Admin
haha! yeah kristin stewart doesn't not change character from movie to movie, the same nervous, rapid eye movement, eye closing, stuttering girl in every one. but snow white and the hunts does look pretttty good, glad it isn't disney-like.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
That Prometheus trailer makes me want to watch Alien. Is that shit on Youtube?

Found it... in reverse...



TD Admin | Bacon
haha! yeah kristin stewart doesn't not change character from movie to movie, the same nervous, rapid eye movement, eye closing, stuttering girl in every one. but snow white and the hunts does look pretttty good, glad it isn't disney-like.

I'd hit it.


TD Member
haha! yeah kristin stewart doesn't not change character from movie to movie, the same nervous, rapid eye movement, eye closing, stuttering girl in every one. but snow white and the hunts does look pretttty good, glad it isn't disney-like.
the movie about The Runaways was awesome, but yeah, she does the same shit in that too. haha

by the way, Dakota Fanning was so hot in that movie.


Professional Cocksucker
I wonder if Prometheus will be good. Idris Elba is in it, so an automatic plus there. Also, Charlize Theron has two major movies coming out in two weeks. That's pretty ballin', as long as neither is like John Carter. btw, did anyone actually see John Carter?

I took my nephew to see it. I didnt think much of it but he enjoyed it very much. Hes 10 years old.