Upcoming Movies Thread


TD Member
i'm still mad they decided to give the spidey role to that white guy, and not even grant certain folks an audition... but it does indeed look sweet.


TD Admin
Reminds me of God of War


TD Member
Oh this will be good



TD Admin
God bless america is actually about wh1te. why do u think he works for the airline so he can get cheap tickets to america and kill fuckers


DARKLY Regular
Oh Christ, is God Bless America the latest propaganda lie film they are mailing out to supress all the rational minds who call into question the horseshit excuses that were sold regarding 9-11.

Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I remember seeing the documentary on Discovery channel when those towers were built bragging about how "You could even fly a plane into them and they wouldn't fall down due to <bla bla bla>".

Oh yeah, and then there's that third building that just, you know, fell over for shits n giggles without being struck by anything.

Fucking America. They expect the rest of the world to be just as retarded as they are.

(This is a statement against the American government, not it's many good people.)


DARKLY Regular
PS Wh1te, score me a sweet deal on tickets to Munich and I'll do Wookie roars for you from Germany on demand. I'll also send you German beer in the mail, and trust me, until you've had beer from Munich, you've just been drinking piss.


DARKLY Regular
Have you ever been to New York City? :tongue:

New Yorkers are my favorite Americans. They are honest. They are honestly assholes. Come to Ottawa and be surrounded by full of shit assholes hiding behind fake smiles and false pretenses who cry about everything and anything and treat life like a popularity contest. You'll take an honest "FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!" with a smile all day any day.


TD Member
PS Wh1te, score me a sweet deal on tickets to Munich and I'll do Wookie roars for you from Germany on demand. I'll also send you German beer in the mail, and trust me, until you've had beer from Munich, you've just been drinking piss.

who said i get sweet deals?