

TD Admin
yea, i got used to it on other servers, but I don't really believe it brings anything to the table...since you know, console...lol

p.s. and it tends to delay/glitch buying, especially if you use binds and try to get out asap.



I'm New Here
I'm having trouble switching to knife or nades at the beginning of the round due to the damage report as well.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
OK I'll take it out right now.

Edit. There is an option to display damage info in chat. Let me know how it is. No more menu so no more issues.


DARKLY Regular
Hit reg is significantly worse with the rates as they are now. My ping was also higher than yesterday, although I'm not certain if this is due to the changes that you made today Low Budget. I noticed that the amount of choke today was about the same as yesterday, but the hit reg is worse. Absolutely, it's worse.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Hit reg is significantly worse with the rates as they are now. My ping was also higher than yesterday, although I'm not certain if this is due to the changes that you made today Low Budget. I noticed that the amount of choke today was about the same as yesterday, but the hit reg is worse. Absolutely, it's worse.

thats because u were able to hit ppl who moved out of the way but their hit box was lagging behind. u can no longer kill ppl around the corner. everyone else says it much better.


DARKLY Regular
thats because u were able to hit ppl who moved out of the way but their hit box was lagging behind. u can no longer kill ppl around the corner. everyone else says it much better.
I've definitely been the recipient of this in the past, but the examples that I have in mind from playing tonight are when the person is right in front of me. fly can probably attest to one of these examples. It was much better yesterday. Today it's worse, imo.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
I've definitely been the recipient of this in the past, but the examples that I have in mind from playing tonight are when the person is right in front of me. fly can probably attest to one of these examples. It was much better yesterday. Today it's worse, imo.

one one occasion or more? maybe the guy was a lagger


DARKLY Regular
one one occasion or more? maybe the guy was a lagger
From tonight alone I can immediately recall two very specific examples where a guy is right in front of me, I'm shooting right at his head, I have a rifle and I'm tap shooting, and he's not dieing. One of them was on ad_egon where the guy was about 100m away, and the other was on de_losttemple where the guy was about 40m away. In the de_losttemple example, he was coming towards me over the bridge from B tunnels, and I fired about 5 very controlled rounds into his head with an AK. Nothing. Zip.

Edit: Actually, there was an even better example on egon where a guy was literally right in front of me. There was a pillar between us, but he jumped out from behind it to my left. I was standing still, firing about half of an M4a1 clip into him as he was in the air. Nothing. He then strafed back behind the pillar as I was continued to shoot him. He then came out the from the other side, where I finally killed him. I'm absolutely certain that I got at least a few headshots on this guy, but he wouldn't die.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Is the ultimate goal here to get 128 tick working well again, though?



As you will see in this CSS guide, slots<20 = 100 tick / slots>20 = 66 tick.
Now in GO, they changed this, slots<20 = 128 tick / slots>20 = 64 tick.

In other words, Valve recommends 64 tick for large servers aka pubs. And 128 tick for competitive servers aka scrim/10 men. Our css server was always running on 66tick and our csgo will now be running on 64tick. 100 and 66 are not common nor good for CSGO. People have the misconception that bigger is better, not always the case. It is for small servers but not for big servers. Now people have preferences and some still insist on playing on 128 tick servers, but in reality, the 64 tick works best for the general population. Can't please everyone. Adjust to playing on this and you will see your reg will be just fine.


Why valve chose 64 tick instead of 66:

1/66 = 0.0151515151515152
1/64 = 0.015625

1 / 66 will be truncated to 0.01515152 which doesn't equal 1 / 66 and can cause few issues while 64 won't.


DARKLY Regular
I'm not angry. I'll continue to play on TD to get the experience of playing with the regulars. I think that you guys are making a mistake here by lowering the rates, though. There was a time where the higher rates were fine and we weren't getting all of this choke. Some of you might not be aware of this because you haven't been playing CS:GO very much. In fact, many of the other pub servers are doing just fine at the higher rates. One in particular I checked out tonight for a few minutes, and it's doing great. No choke at all, and it feels great. But I have no control over what you guys do with your server. It's out of my hands.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Thanks for the input, but it's not a mistake. In CSS, there were PLENTY of servers running 100tick while we ran 66tick and yet we were still the best in town! As a matter of fact, the local competing community that was running 100tick is now dead, and we're still here stronger than ever.

Happy fragging!


A Little Darkly
Thanks for the input, but it's not a mistake. In CSS, there were PLENTY of servers running 100tick while we ran 66tick and yet we were still the best in town! As a matter of fact, the local competing community that was running 100tick is now dead, and we're still here stronger than ever.

Happy fragging!
That's cause you guys ddos'd us :P Just kidding.

I do find it hilarious "valve recommends" 128 tic for comp servers but then runs all theirs at 64. :/

Edit - Just want to say, that after some time on lost temple I'm still feeling micro stutters. I don't get them on other full 30 person servers. However, the "sv" and "var" seem WAY more stable and I swear my fps is higher.