

TD Admin
That's cause you guys ddos'd us :P Just kidding.

I do find it hilarious "valve recommends" 128 tic for comp servers but then runs all theirs at 64. :/

Edit - Just want to say, that after some time on lost temple I'm still feeling micro stutters. I don't get them on other full 30 person servers. However, the "sv" and "var" seem WAY more stable and I swear my fps is higher.

Obvs, they want to save money.

Anyways, can we change the teams on some maps from 15/15 to 16/16. It's annoying to join the server and wait in spec.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Obvs, they want to save money.

Anyways, can we change the teams on some maps from 15/15 to 16/16. It's annoying to join the server and wait in spec.

its a map problem, not server settings


DARKLY Regular
Low Budget, are the rates set up in #2 like they are in #1? I was in #2 briefly a couple of hours ago and it kind of felt fucked up. Maybe it was a problem on my end. My frame rate was lower than usual even after a restart, and I felt some of the input lag that I used to get on #1 before the rates were set lower.

And by the way, generally speaking, I like the way that #1 feels right now. I'm not completely sold on the hit reg yet, but I'm not getting any significant input lag with my mouse movements. It's there a bit, but I'm trying to have realistic expectations here. Good stuff so far.


can someone explain why tick rate is at 64 for #1? getting shot at when your shooter is hiding behind a wall isn't helping...


TD Admin / Wanker
can someone explain why tick rate is at 64 for #1? getting shot at when your shooter is hiding behind a wall isn't helping...

Have you not been reading the forums at all over the past few days?
It's basically been the only source of discussion.

I don't play GO much and even I know the reason behind why it has been changed.

For the record, it was lowered to combat the choppiness that everybody has been experiencing.
Along with other things.


Have you not been reading the forums at all over the past few days?
It's basically been the only source of discussion.

I don't play GO much and even I know the reason behind why it has been changed.

For the record, it was lowered to combat the choppiness that everybody has been experiencing.
Along with other things.

no lol i've been focusing on schoolwork ;p.
so it was lowered so the choppiness would be gone... is anything being done on the source of the choppiness though? for all we know the 64 tick thing could just be a temp solution