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[UNBANNED] Would like to protest my recent ban.

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Zombie Christ

I'm New Here
I was banned today and reason was inappropriate spray. I am quite confused by this because my spray contains no nudity or genitalia. I have had this spray for a month now and never was warned about it being indecent. My spray that I have been using has been uploaded to this thread. Thank you, ZombieChrist.

I accidentally posted this in the TF2 forums :/ sorry for the mistake.


TD Admin
Please leave ban appeals for the Banned, Banner and Admins.

Your comments are appreciated anywhere else on these forums and in the members section. We would like to keep these cases simple and clean.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I was banned today and reason was inappropriate spray... and never was warned about it being indecent..
Lie #1. I warned you for the month, exactly for your sprays. You ignore me every single time, pretending you don't either see the text, or don't hear me asking you to remove/change your spray.

I have had this spray for a month now...
Lie #2. You've not had this spray for the past month. You've had numerous, obviously troll-like sprays for the past month, possibly even more by the time I finally took notice. You're obviously just trolling with the homosexual, sensual-themed sprays, just to piss people off. Every round people complain, and I've had numerous people message me asking to take care of the mess. Not to mention a lot of your sprays had really young boys (which is what originally brought it to my attention, from several others asking about them).

If you're gay, and you find the guys attractive, so be it. But spraying what you're spraying, ignoring admins when asked about it, then changing the spray to something just as gay just in spite of being asked to change leads me to believe you're a troll.

Next time an admin attempts to address you politely, please oblige, it makes things so much easier for you and for us admins. Enjoy your week off. Perhaps next time you'll not troll our people and will be polite enough to talk to us.

Zombie Christ

I'm New Here
Although this seems extremely arbitrary. I do have to state that I was not warned nor did any one I played with complain to me about my sprays. The fact that this photo in question has no view of the frontal or rear area of the male body is obvious. Even though it is completely sensual in nature it does not come close to the full view of female genitalia I have seen while playing.

My second point is that I was banned previously for my "spray" and I take responsibility for that. I deserved that ban because it did have nudity. But it was only a thirty minute ban. A week seems harsh for the photo in question.

You state that I change my photo to something "just as gay" makes me believe that it is the fact that it is gay is the problem not the contents of the actual photo.

Be that as it may, if the punishment is final I will reluctantly accept it. I want to make it clear that I have the upmost respect for the Darkly admins and it's community and will obey the rules.

When in Rome..


Staff member
The server is populated by 99% males. It's like walking into an auto garage and hanging up a male model calendar over-top of the titty calendar that is in every garage. This guy knows he will cause shit by spraying his spray and he gets a kick out of it.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Although this seems extremely arbitrary. I do have to state that I was not warned nor did any one I played with complain to me about my sprays. The fact that this photo in question has no view of the frontal or rear area of the male body is obvious. Even though it is completely sensual in nature it does not come close to the full view of female genitalia I have seen while playing. My second point is that I was banned previously for my "spray" and I take responsibility for that. I deserved that ban because it did have nudity. But it was only a thirty minute ban. A week seems harsh for the photo in question. You state that I change my photo to something "just as gay" makes me believe that it is the fact that it is gay is the problem not the contents of the actual photo. Be that as it may, if the punishment is final I will reluctantly accept it. I want to make it clear that I have the upmost respect for the Darkly admins and it's community and will obey the rules. When in Rome..
Look, dude, I don't think you're getting it. I really don't care to see a spray of nude males.. whatever, I have family that is gay. Mind you this isn't about me, but Toronto Darkly's rules, not my own.Either way, it's about you BEING WARNED NUMEROUS TIMES - LIKE I WARNED YOU ONE MILLION TIMES MY SELF, and you ignore it. As I stated earlier, all you had to do was choose one of the (literally) one million times an admin talked to you/asked you a question regarding it to respond and say, "Hey admin, sorry man, I'm gay and I like the photo." You can even add one of our admins and explain it, and that way we all know and it's great.But you didn't. You ignored all of us, me the most, you love trolling me even though I don't get angry and stay polite... Then on top of that, you change your spray to even worse spray just to shit on me. Sorry mate, you had an entire month, if not longer, of chances...Enjoy your week off.

Zombie Christ

I'm New Here
I have XoxMiss HazexoX, Town Drunk, Cock Of Fur, TomServo, Death as friends on steam and the entire server is quite aware that I am homosexual.

Thank you for your time and see you in a week, I'll be ready to kill some noobs by then.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Ban Lifted!I'm lifting your ban because you can turn out to be a nice guy, minus the recent trolling. I ask you this, now that I actually have your attention - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not ignore admins when they have a concern or ask you a legitamite question!! :DSee you back on the server!


TD Admin
What Buckshot meant to say is that everyone who posted in this thread besides himself and Zombie have absorbed the remainder of his ban!!
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