Name When Banned: Trippin
Steam ID: # 93 10 "Trippin" STEAM_1:0:18652824 00:55 52 0 active 128000
Game: CS:GO
Server: Toronto Darkly | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON |
Ban Reason: Teamkilling
State your case: Well, when me and my buddy Sanchez first bought CS:GO during the steam sale darkly was one of the first servers we played on because we live near Toronto and sorry to say, we kinda got into a teamkilling war with each other, at the round start we would instantly try and kill each other, we hadn't been on a server with Friendly fire on before that and kinda went crazy with it. Wasn't really the smartest idea, and I'm sorry for doing that and I promise I wont get into any teamkilling war or purposefully teamkill anyone whatsoever on your servers and follow all of the server rules if whoevers reading this would be kind enough to show me some mercy and unban me.
Steam ID: # 93 10 "Trippin" STEAM_1:0:18652824 00:55 52 0 active 128000
Game: CS:GO
Server: Toronto Darkly | NO AWP/AUTO + FF ON |
Ban Reason: Teamkilling
State your case: Well, when me and my buddy Sanchez first bought CS:GO during the steam sale darkly was one of the first servers we played on because we live near Toronto and sorry to say, we kinda got into a teamkilling war with each other, at the round start we would instantly try and kill each other, we hadn't been on a server with Friendly fire on before that and kinda went crazy with it. Wasn't really the smartest idea, and I'm sorry for doing that and I promise I wont get into any teamkilling war or purposefully teamkill anyone whatsoever on your servers and follow all of the server rules if whoevers reading this would be kind enough to show me some mercy and unban me.