• Guest, if you wish to appeal your ban, please read these threads first:

    READ ME DARKLY Ban Appeal Template + READ ME DARKLY Server Rules

    Guest, Ban Appeal threads are for the player appealing and the banning Admin to respond to. All other posts will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.

UNBANNED Unban Request Darkly CS:GO Server


I'm New Here
Name When Banned: Strider
Steam ID: 27030 or is it supposed to be like this? 0,

Game: CS:GO
Server: 30 Player TD Pub (FF ON - NO AWP or Autos)
Ban Reason: Spamming

State your case:

I was banned for spamming "FF" to indicate that there was an AFK CT in the map Kisamayo.
I'll be honest, I was being obnoxious on the mic prior to the FF spamming - which is likely why my "FF" spamming was perceived as SPAM.

I'm a regular on the TD Server, ranked in the top 50.
I like to be a joker on the Mic and realize that I take it over the top sometimes.
I'll stop, and stick to game play and casual conversation.
I take all responsibility, and value playing on the server - which is why I will ensure I stop this behavior.

Please unban me,
thank you



I'm New Here
I would also like to add,

I found the Ban list on the website here, and the reason for my ban.... "Being a cocksucker".
Lmao, okay - IDK who banned me yesterday but I'm cool with the TD players and admin on the server,
looks like we got a butthurt over reacting admin here, one of which who does not frequent this particular server. "Being a cocksucker"? constitutes for a permaban.... lol.


TD Admin / Queerbécois

The admin who banned you will get to you shortly, please be patient.

Also, for the others who aren't admins: GTFO.


TD Admin | Bacon
Was your mic spam which I had to mute you for earlier also to let the other team know about an afk? And how would I know your ff spam was related to afk I kicked when you were still spamming after the afk was gone.

You're unbanned, just stop being a cocksucker.

And yes being a cock sucker is a valid perm ban reason here. Just try me :waiting: