• Guest, if you wish to appeal your ban, please read these threads first:

    READ ME DARKLY Ban Appeal Template + READ ME DARKLY Server Rules

    Guest, Ban Appeal threads are for the player appealing and the banning Admin to respond to. All other posts will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.

DENIED Unban Appeal- [PoAs] hNrubloc

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[PoAs] hNrubloc

Name when banned: Poonslayer (sorry about that, felt like goofing off that night)
Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:40482654
Steam ID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041231037
Game: Team Fortress 2
Server: Some Darkly Gaming Trade Server (honestly can't remember which one)
Ban Reason: Apparent Scamming

On said Darkly Trade Server a (now non-scammer) friend and I asked people to spy-crab. We would set the wager to a ref and go at it. I won one round and collected the metal.We lost a second round and left. Spy-crabbing doesn't (didn't at the time) fall under the list of ban-worthy reasons. It is the player's risk and choice to gamble their metal in such a trivial way. The admin marked me as a scammer just because he didn't want that type of behavior being promoted. I understand the ban from that Darkly Trading Server but believe it is unfair and necessary that I am marked as a scammer globally and banned from multiple servers and sites. Please review my appeal and add me so we can talk more in-depth.:)

Original thread posted some time ago by the admin: http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/threads/scammah.7935/


Death by Darkly
Hi hNrubloc, I was the one that indirectly banned you.

Running from a Spycrab has always been a "ban-worthy" reason - the act of depriving a use of their goods is a blatant act of fraud, an act which violates the DGN server policy, the Steam Subscriber Agreement, and the law of Canada, whereupon DGN is based. To claim that theft and the use of deceit to steal someone's goods is not a crime is further evidence as to why you are not wanted on other community servers, and have thus received a global ban in the form of a mark on SteamRep. It is by no means "unfair"; as you said, "it is the players choice"; it was your choice to commit these acts of fraud, and your ignorance and lack of knowledge that doing so is a violation of policy does not make you exempt. As you expressed, you did it for entertainment; a player who pilfers for amusement is a threat to the security and well-being of all players, not just here.

Add me on Steam to discuss your ban.


EDIT: [PoAs] hNrubloc An admin will speak to you about your appeal - please be patient as your appeal processes.

Original post, in the event something is edited by the user:

Name when banned: Poonslayer (sorry about that, felt like goofing off that night)
Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:40482654
Steam ID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041231037
Game: Team Fortress 2
Server: Some Darkly Gaming Trade Server (honestly can't remember which one)
Ban Reason: Apparent Scamming

On said Darkly Trade Server a (now non-scammer) friend and I asked people to spy-crab. We would set the wager to a ref and go at it. I won one round and collected the metal.We lost a second round and left. Spy-crabbing doesn't (didn't at the time) fall under the list of ban-worthy reasons. It is the player's risk and choice to gamble their metal in such a trivial way. The admin marked me as a scammer just because he didn't want that type of behavior being promoted. I understand the ban from that Darkly Trading Server but believe it is unfair and necessary that I am marked as a scammer globally and banned from multiple servers and sites. Please review my appeal and add me so we can talk more in-depth.:)

Original thread posted some time ago by the admin: http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/threads/scammah.7935/

[PoAs] hNrubloc

Not sure how to put this, but I guess I'm not looking for an unban from DGN, but rather I'd like to remove my scammer tag. I haven't really done any extensive research on this, but I don't mind if I'm not allowed on any community trade servers. I just want the tag removed so I can continue to trade on sites like tf2tp and tf2 outpost. I understand my ban from these servers because this is where the (let's call it a) crime was committed. I do not believe I should be banned from the use of tf2 outpost and tf2tp because I haven't done anything (and don't plan to do anything) wrong there. Aside from that one incident on the Darkly server, I'm a well-liked, polite trader. So if we could speed up the process of this that would be great.:)


Death by Darkly
Not sure how to put this, but I guess I'm not looking for an unban from DGN, but rather I'd like to remove my scammer tag. I haven't really done any extensive research on this, but I don't mind if I'm not allowed on any community trade servers. I just want the tag removed so I can continue to trade on sites like tf2tp and tf2 outpost. I understand my ban from these servers because this is where the (let's call it a) crime was committed. I do not believe I should be banned from the use of tf2 outpost and tf2tp because I haven't done anything (and don't plan to do anything) wrong there. Aside from that one incident on the Darkly server, I'm a well-liked, polite trader. So if we could speed up the process of this that would be great.:)

The appeal you have filed here is an appeal to have the SteamRep scammer tag removed, not solely to be unbanned from DGN servers.

All communities affiliated with SteamRep act upon the information reported by SteamRep accordingly; all these sites prohibit scamming and desire to protect their users from scammers. You are one of said scammers.

As I said earlier, please be patient with the appeal process - expressing impatience will certainly not help you. An admin managing your appeal will contact you when necessary.
Hello Poonslayer, thank you for making a Ban Appeal.

There's a few things I'd like to discuss...
Ban Reason: Apparent Scamming
So stealing people's items is not scamming, is that what you're saying?
Spy-crabbing doesn't (didn't at the time) fall under the list of ban-worthy reasons.
Actually, it has been on the list as long as DARKLY had been on the SteamRep Affiliate site.

It is the player's risk and choice to gamble their metal in such a trivial way. The admin marked me as a scammer just because he didn't want that type of behavior being promoted.
In a perfect world, that would be the case. However, traders on our network are entitled to fair, honest dealings. Fraud has never been and never will be promoted or allowed. You sound like you're trying to make excuses for your actions.
I understand the ban from that Darkly Trading Server but believe it is unfair and necessary that I am marked as a scammer globally and banned from multiple servers and sites. Please review my appeal and add me so we can talk more in-depth.:)
So just because you committed some scams on our site, doesn't give us the option of reporting it to other communities and making them aware of what your actions were on here? We're all in the SteamRep Affiliated network, our tags are recognized elsewhere, and will result in the same consequences as a TF2OP or SOP scam tag.

You seem to know your friend very well, care to explain why you didn't make an appeal when he did?

[PoAs] hNrubloc

Yeah, you could say I'm making excuses for my actions. But I'm fairly desperate at this point and just want to use tf2 outpost to continue trading there. I didn't make a ban appeal when he did because my ban was different. He wasn't even able to use tf2tp let alone outpost. Where as I was able to still use sites like those as well as visit trade servers. But now when I go to tf2 outpost I'm re-directed to my steamrep page were they recommend me getting an appeal.
Yeah, you could say I'm making excuses for my actions. But I'm fairly desperate at this point and just want to use tf2 outpost to continue trading there. I didn't make a ban appeal when he did because my ban was different. He wasn't even able to use tf2tp let alone outpost. Where as I was able to still use sites like those as well as visit trade servers. But now when I go to tf2 outpost I'm re-directed to my steamrep page were they recommend me getting an appeal.
Your ban was and still is, the same as his was, except he was willing to work with me through the appeal and explain what happened.

I feel that you don't seem to care much about the scams you've done here, let alone you just want access to OP and TP. Besides making an appeal a while ago, we could have used your input on the investigation we were conducting.

Did DragonMatt not alert you to make an appeal on our forums, over 3 months ago? Where were you at this time?

[PoAs] hNrubloc

The ban has affected me. I've never been banned from anything and didn't know how dire the consequences were. The scam was a one-time thing and neither him nor I have done anything of that nature since. I may appear to be pretty selfish (only wanting to access sites) but my only interest is getting back into trading itself. I always took it for granted but being cut off hurt.

When he appealed for his ban, he did notify me about it. He frequently used Darkly servers and wished to get back into them. I never really used trade servers as much as he did and thought the ban was just for Darkly servers so I just brushed it off. I only appealed now beacause I realized it was 'everywere.'
The ban has affected me. I've never been banned from anything and didn't know how dire the consequences were. The scam was a one-time thing and neither him nor I have done anything of that nature since. I may appear to be pretty selfish (only wanting to access sites) but my only interest is getting back into trading itself. I always took it for granted but being cut off hurt.

When he appealed for his ban, he did notify me about it. He frequently used Darkly servers and wished to get back into them. I never really used trade servers as much as he did and thought the ban was just for Darkly servers so I just brushed it off. I only appealed now beacause I realized it was 'everywere.'
Are you sure it was a 'one-time' thing?

You do realize that by asking traders to trade with you, while you're tagged as a scammer, is grounds for them receiving tags also? I noticed after you were removed, you asked people to +rep you, this can also be seen as solicitation fake reputation, which is also grounds for a mark and a removal. Care to go into detail about this?

What did DragonMatt tell you exactly, to appeal in regards to his own case or to just appeal in general terms? We needed to hear your side of the story, which you neglected to give, thus I went ahead and concluded the investigation without you.

You stated you realized it was 'everywhere', yet you knew it was since DragonMatt appealed. Is this true?

Think very carefully before you respond to this, we know more than you may think.

[PoAs] hNrubloc

Yes, I believe it was a one-time thing. Yes, I asked people for rep because I feel that I deserve it; I'm a fast and polite trader. I also give rep to most who trade with me. My friend DragonMatt never told me to appeal. He just mentioned that he appealed. I didn't because I didn't feel that it was necessary.

-We needed to hear your side of the story, which you neglected to give, thus I went ahead and concluded the investigation without you.-

I was never asked for my side of the story. DragonMatt merely told me that if I was asked about this later to be honest and now I am. Yes I knew the ban was 'everywhere' (there has to be a better word for this).
Yes, I believe it was a one-time thing. Yes, I asked people for rep because I feel that I deserve it; I'm a fast and polite trader. I also give rep to most who trade with me. My friend DragonMatt never told me to appeal. He just mentioned that he appealed. I didn't because I didn't feel that it was necessary.

-We needed to hear your side of the story, which you neglected to give, thus I went ahead and concluded the investigation without you.-

I was never asked for my side of the story. DragonMatt merely told me that if I was asked about this later to be honest and now I am. Yes I knew the ban was 'everywhere' (there has to be a better word for this).
So I take it DragonMatt never informed you of the deadline you had until you could make an appeal?

That's interesting...very, because according to DragonMatt, he said, and I quote,
4:50 PM - [PoAs] DragonMatt As per the conversation I've been having with him lately, he is truely demoralized by the fact that he is marked as a scammer and he will as well go through these lengths if need be to get ride of said title.

This is from one of the talks I had with him via Steam.

You asked for rep, because you deserve it...so if I were to audit your 'rep', would I find all of it to be noted and truthful? Why not use a 'rep thread' like SourceOP, Skial, or TF2OP? Profile Rep is useless to show one's trust, which yours is slowly becoming non-existent here, and soliciting 'rep' is grounds for receiving a mark as Scammer as well.

Can you explain any of the coversations, if any took place, with DragonMatt? Think back now, this was at the start of 2013, just over four months ago.

[PoAs] hNrubloc

I talked to DragonMatt and it appears I 'brushed off' his deadline warning. The reason I don't use rep threads is because I'm not a large and important trader. I'v only owned the game for almost two years and have just recently really gotten into the trading community. I would set up a thread but I think it would be a waste of time considering I do small, quick trades. You seem to be fixated on warning me about soliciting rep. Or I "may" recieve a scammer mark. I do not solicate rep. I ask people for a "+rep" on my profile. It may have no value to some but I usually feel better seeing pages of positive comments on people's profiles. Many times I give rep but do not recieve it in return (please note that I do not give rep to recieve rep). As for my conversations with DragonMatt, there's really nothing to say. We don't talk about the appeals on steam and they rarely come up anywhere else. Our actual conversations usually end up with us either talking about minecraft or touching eachother vigorously. Please do not write this off as a joke it's the sad truth.
I talked to DragonMatt and it appears I 'brushed off' his deadline warning. The reason I don't use rep threads is because I'm not a large and important trader. I'v only owned the game for almost two years and have just recently really gotten into the trading community. I would set up a thread but I think it would be a waste of time considering I do small, quick trades. You seem to be fixated on warning me about soliciting rep. Or I "may" recieve a scammer mark. I do not solicate rep. I ask people for a "+rep" on my profile. It may have no value to some but I usually feel better seeing pages of positive comments on people's profiles. Many times I give rep but do not recieve it in return (please note that I do not give rep to recieve rep). As for my conversations with DragonMatt, there's really nothing to say. We don't talk about the appeals on steam and they rarely come up anywhere else. Our actual conversations usually end up with us either talking about minecraft or touching eachother vigorously. Please do not write this off as a joke it's the sad truth.
You're already marked, it's only a warning if any of that reputation is false. Yet, you're aware of SR and how they function, *apparently* and you know what reputation threads are.

However, let's go back to the real purpose of the scammer mark, which we've seem to derailed a bit. You confirmed it was a 'one-time' thing, yet that contradicts what I have on file for you and DragonMatt. Through his appeal, I've discovered that you were the one in full control of these scams, while they might appear 'small', they've actually caught up to you. Even though you were tagged for that one instance that was reported, I've found and confirmed several other instances where you two have committed the same, unfair, rigged gambles.

This sort of confidence trick will no longer be tolerated, and it seems you two went on a spree until someone decided to do the right thing. You tricked many people into putting up their goods and always having a plan B in the event the game did not go in your favor. What you did afterwards is moot point, regardless of how 'clean' and 'polite' you think you might seem, you have committed actions, which have left stains on your hands, that will never truly wash off. You also don't seem to be genuinely sorry about this incident, a simple apology, while it could go a 'long way', doesn't change one's character. Anyone can put on a mask and pretend to be something they aren't.

It doesn't matter what you do now, your history will speak for itself. I requested an appeal from both of you at the same time to hear each others story, yet you decided to brush this off. Thus, I had my decision made and closed out the case. Yet you came today, solely because you were banned from a different community, for a tag that you had for a period of over 90 days...I'm not convinced again, that you had any guilt, like that of your comrade who appealed a little after the tags were in place. Let this be a lesson for you, and take this outside of the game as well. Don't mask your intentions and take advantage of other people who have good hearts. Treat others the way you want to be treated, both in this community, and elsewhere that you may go. How would you like it if someone did the same thing to you, got you to gamble, and every time you won, the person ran? Let's go forward and repeat that same instance...20 or so times, would it still sting, even though you legitimately won, that the person with the bets decided to bail? I think so, because that person has lost any respect or integrity that they had. Other communities deserve to know of your actions here, we aren't about to lighten up because you don't believe that the shenanigans that took place here can be 'brushed off'. Fun, trusting communities don't want liars, don't want THIEVES in their servers or populace.

I did discuss this with fellow administrators, the tag on you is very well justified. You had a choice in all of this, you chose wrong and now you have to live out the consequences. Appeal Denied.

Edit: Enjoy your permanent removal from the forums. User was permanently banned from forums for making and posting threads and shit posting on other areas of the forum.
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