Unable to Query Servers


TD Member
This is not specific to just TD servers, but every once in a while, I am not able to query like any servers...
Like right now, none of the servers in my favorites list appear, and none of the servers in my history list appear, but I am able to query a handful of servers in the Internet tab.
Has anyone else had this problem?
It is not a problem with my Steam Install, because it is doing it on both my laptop and on my desktop, both started at the exact same time.
I have tried re adding the servers to the list, and connecting directly by IP, as well as trying to follow others people into the server off of my firneds list. This problem usually fixes itself after a day or two, but is really annoying when I want to play... Like right now....
Any fixes?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


DARKLY Regular
The Valve MasterServers can be really buggy at times, It happens for me on Quick-Play from time to time. I usually just reset Steam a few times till it finally connects.


TD Member
Even connecting via IP in console would not work, connection timeout, no response from server.
I did not try replacing the MasterServer List, however, as of right now, I am able to see the CSS Pub in my Favs List, so I will try and join and play that for the night.
But still none of the TF2 servers show up o.0

I am not sure if it is a problem with Steam/Valve or it is my school fucking with ports...
Are you certain all ports are open? Connection problems are the most painful ones to go through.

I recall having this issue, where all the servers would not show up, I would be afraid to hit the refresh button because I have not memorized all active DARKLY servers IP Addresses.


Try seeing if those will fix it, what ended up fixing my troubles was replacing my router, had a piece of shit Netgear G0something, now using a Motorola Surfboard Elite.

Now if only I could replace my stomach. @_@


TD Admin
well i don't know if you tried this, but next time:
go to your game list, right click css, select the "Local Files" tab, click "verify integrity of game cache" and then click "defragment cache files"
that's the first thing I do if CSS starts being retarded.


DARKLY Regular
I get the problem from time to time and have no clue why. Its been a few months but when it happens it take about 3 days no matter what i do or try nothing works then all of a sudden it works. Doesn't matter if i try and connect my steam id or have a friend try his.

The biggest mistake is to try and uninstall every thing and try from scratch i was out over a week when i did that. Steam could do nothing for me they were just as confused.


TD Member
I have done that same thing in the past, both verify game data, and re-install everythingggg.
It has happened both at school, and on a private network at my house...
But It was not until this latest time when I was running my laptop and desktop side by side, and they both stopped being able to query servers at the same time.

And it would not be a problem with the CSS game data integrity, because from the Steam Servers list, outside of game, I still can not query.
Odd... But for now it works, so until next time, I shall cease the complaints.
In case anyone didn't hear, a new form of SteamCMD came out.

Result: Loss of packs to master servers.

I'm actually unsure what you can do at this point, besides continue to work with them, I fear it's an issue that may not be fixed. *I blame your internet*