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OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
the anti Russia crowd isn't pro Nazism bj... that's likely the pro-russia groups advertisement. typical political move.. liken the opposition to the nazi party to brainwash derps into your cause.

Kind of like how having any progressive or liberal ideals and fox news makes you out to be a communist

Oh I fully understand this. What I'm saying is there's been numerous reports (not just from bigbox news agencies like CNN, either) about people wearing black and red armbands etc.


TD Member
All mass media is propaganda, pointing out the differences between one outlet's bias and another's is just splitting hairs. Russia is going to invade Ukraine, reinstall a puppet government, and once all is said and done Putin will coyly point out exactly where Russia has legally been given the right to do so, and all the big talkers in the West will take some bullshit moral stance decrying the injustice of it all but ultimately do nothing.


TD Admin | Bacon
Yeah, interesting stuff. If I had to liken the situation to High school, it would be when the biggest bully in school beats up another bully who is picking on a kid. They aren't doing it because they want to protect the victim(although they may claim that is the real reason) they are doing it to show their supremacy(that they are the top dog, or alpha).

And thats what this really all comes down too. No one in America really gives a fuck about Ukraine or its people, especially the right wing conservatives. What they want to do is reaffirm their position as the alpha wolf.

What I find hilarious about this whole situation, is Fox New's pundits comments on this whole situation. They are saying Obama by only making economic sanctions is being a weak leader, that real action is needed(and yet, when Obama was talking about deploying soldiers to Syria they called him a tyrant).

Fox news pundits have literally been saying that Obama is a weak leader, and needs to be MORE like Putin.
i dont even
i dont even
i dont even
People who claim to be all about democracy and freedom are arguing our president needs to be more like the authoritarian leader of Russia who has been eroding democracy in Russia since ending his second term of presidency and attempting to retain all his power.


Now don't take this post as a massive attack on Russia/Putin fork, I am just calling it as I see it and interpret it
I will say, Putin did great things for Russia in his first and second terms.