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Fork Included

TD Admin
To avoid any US/Western brain washing, i present to you two articles for consumption.

1. This article is a general overview of whats up, no bias and to the point.

2. This article pretty much sets the whole thing straight and generally represents my view on the matter

don't get swindled by western media and let the people of Ukraine figure it out, we've got enough problems at home to keep us occupied.


2012 Troll of the Year
scumbag fork posts two articles, from the same source.

You're going to have to hit me with a fair, balanced, and adequately known source list before I go tromping through the internerd.

But we both know, there is no "right" side in a war, and before they begin tunneling like blind moles, they should know that regardless of the outcome, low chance of probability that the global map will change, and a high chance of probability it will spark another multi-generational hatred.

Fork Included

TD Admin
the point is that

1) Ukraine is falling apart, mostly by its own derpness, but also in part to manipulation from both the West and Russia

2) there is a serious chance of armed conflict within Ukraine by Ukrainians independent of any Western or Russian influence.

3) a. Russia is rightly putting more soldiers into their military assets in Crimeria (what country wouldn't?)
b. Russia is also sending more troops into the area and are declaring them emergency troops in case a conflict does break out in Ukraine

it's 3.b. that everyone seems to be going gaga over. For Russia to actually declare war on Ukraine is a stupid idea, no one's going to do that. On March 30th there will be a refarendum in Crimeria... either they go independent, stay with ukraine, or join russia, and given that the vast majority of crimeria's citizens are Russian, the Russian government claims to have brought in troops to ensure that nothing happens after they vote.

to me this makes sense

to do otherwise would be pretty dumb on Russia's part in this day and age... although the US seems to be going around and actually killing people in other countries but one is saying shit. hmmm.

from a Canadian perspective, imagine that tommorow a large contingent of Quebec seperatists decalred that English is forbidden and that Quebec is to be a pure, French-speaking nation and to cut all ties with Canada, and that any Canadian supporters are to be chased out of their homes... and then proceeded to actually shoot people and burn shit.

You think the military wouldn't get involved? You bet your ass they would.


Staff member


I need to go watch you build Ikea furniture again.


TD Admin | Bacon
Wasn't the scumbag steve leading Ukraine, one of Putin's puppets? The real question is if Russia will just protect its assets in Eastern(?) Ukraine, or if it will try and make a grab for the entire country. It is obvious that not everyone is okay with Russian control in Ukraine.

Putin can conquer all of Ukraine for all the fucks I don't give.
John McCain wants US military intervention, thank god that faggot isn't president.

Fork Included

TD Admin
Wasn't the scumbag steve leading Ukraine, one of Putin's puppets?

Money buys politics. Yanukovich is pro-russia in his leadership, yes he was most likely backed by Putin's regime.
But you should not be using this as a negative point. US has planted their own backed politicians in some European countries. Everyone with power will attempt to do this.

To single out a country and call it on them is just plain stupid, Steve, just don.

The real question is if Russia will just protect its assets in Eastern(?) Ukraine, or if it will try and make a grab for the entire country.
That's not the real question. That's a dumb question. A mass assault on Ukraine is completly out of the question and you should be ashamed into being sold on this idea.

It is obvious that not everyone is okay with Russian control in Ukraine.
This isn't a case of America and Iraq or Mexico... Ukraine is very much close culturally to Russia, they share a very long history. It was only a few decades ago that Ukraine was part of the USSR... citizens traveled and lived freely between the two regions. There are many ukrainians living in russia and many russians living in ukraine, even their languages are similar, i could half understand someone speaking ukrainian without too much effort. Many hold dual citizenship and have families spread across both borders. I myself have many ukranian friends and we speak russian and have no ill hatred towards one another.

you're wrong in thinking Ukraine is some sort of radically different entity than Russia, they're pretty fucking close man.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
We all know only the US and Israel-fake-country are the only ones who can invade and conquer with UN blessing.. what is Russia thinking!?



TD Admin | Bacon
besides her resigning, another RT anchor denounced the military actions at the end of her segment today.

Russia is best bro, thats why Fork lives in Russia. Is best.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Ukrainians just want to get EU passports and mass bail. If not for Russia, they would be Turkey.


TD Admin

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
There's always going to be two sides. Yes Crimea is predominantly Russians, but it is part of Ukraine. So at the end of the day, Russia should not be there. So just because it is predominantly Russians living there, does it mean it should belong to Russia? Here's a thought, why don't we give up Brampton to Pakistan because it is predominantly Pakis living there.