Ubuntu OS - (TF2 item)

I'll be installing Ubuntu in about an hour or two. If you want to get the Tux without messing with your computer...leave me a message or hop on Mumble.

*Even though I really shouldn't be helping you, I might as well do it...since I've already been asked by four people when they found out I'm going on a Linux OS for a while*


I'm just trying to run it on virtual box. But of course, even that won't work for me because Ubuntu doesn't like to load on my computer. I honestly don't care if I get the stupid Penguin, I just want it because it will actually be more rare than buds (according to meet the stats - 58,000 buds, 27,000 tuxs"


Death by Darkly
I'm raging so bad
A few days ago I finally got Linux on my laptop instead of my PC to try this, download for TF2 is nearly finished..aparantly there isn't enough space for the 1.8GB left to download
Even though I made it a 15GB partition, so It should have plenty of goddamn room.

Looks like I'm not getting the Tux.
Don't think I have enough time to start the whole process again from scratch.
I'm gonna try though :/

Most of the big TF2 files are shared between both the Windows version and the Linux version - if you copy them over you only need to download around 500MB of stuff. You might also have an easier time doing all of this in a Virtual Machine - that way you don't need to actually install it, as there are pre-vuilt VM bundles of Ubuntu out there.

20GB should be the minimum size of the partition. I'll be on Steam later tonight and can guide you through the whole process there, along with Ass Clown

I'm just trying to run it on virtual box. But of course, even that won't work for me because Ubuntu doesn't like to load on my computer. I honestly don't care if I get the stupid Penguin, I just want it because it will actually be more rare than buds (according to meet the stats - 58,000 buds, 27,000 tuxs"

Make sure you're allocating enough VRAM to the virtual machine, have the latest build, etc.

I'll be installing Ubuntu in about an hour or two. If you want to get the Tux without messing with your computer...leave me a message or hop on Mumble.

*Even though I really shouldn't be helping you, I might as well do it...since I've already been asked by four people when they found out I'm going on a Linux OS for a while*

So, as a community admin you're endorsing something specifically warned against and prohibited by SteamRep? :uh:


TD Admin / Wanker
Screw that
I'm just asking Waffle to do it for me :3
For some reason not only will it not download TF2, linux wont even boot properly on my laptop anymore.
Keeps telling me it wont recognise my graphics system among a load of other shit.
So, as a community admin you're endorsing something specifically warned against and prohibited by SteamRep? :uh:

I don't even know why I offered...never mind. *But the ones I'm doing for, two of them are personal friends, third is a guy who trusts me with his account details...and the forth, well, take a good guess. He's among us here.*
Screw that
I'm just asking Waffle to do it for me :3
For some reason not only will it not download TF2, linux wont even boot properly on my laptop anymore.
Keeps telling me it wont recognise my graphics system among a load of other shit.
Tell me how it goes, I want to ban Raffle. :>


With there currently only being 16,164 Tuxes out there compared to 58,052 Earbuds, I would seriously doubt that these will be worth so little. People do not want to go though the long task of the whole ubuntu downloading task so they just do not bother. This promo has been going on for a week I think and only 16,164 Tuxes are in TF2. Why would people wait until the last minute? Lets say this number multiplies by 2.5 (2.4 for the amount of time left to get the promo and .1 for the people like "Ah, promo going out!") and that gives us 40,410. Statistically speaking, the Tux will be more valuable than Earbuds. But they will not start out that way and they will not be more valuable than Earbuds because of the customer mindset. They will start out at the level of a Bill's Hat and rise until about 20 keys where they will stay constant.
jakksilves I overshot it by 10,000. Next Earbuds? :yea:


Death by Darkly
Guys, the reason Buds are so valuable is not just because there's a limited number of them - it's, perhaps more importantly, because of how they appeal to cosmetic appearance. This is, after all, the entire reason why unusuals and any hat for that matter is worth more than pennies. If you are going to say Tux will become more valuable solely because there are less of then, by your Logic the BMOC should be worth considerably more than Buds, as there are 25% as many of those as Buds; but they're not, in fact their price has been declining. You could argue that's because it's a "Festive" hat, but that only proves my point. Tux isn't an incredibly cosmetically-appealing item.


Guys, the reason Buds are so valuable is not just because there's a limited number of them - it's, perhaps more importantly, because of how they appeal to cosmetic appearance. This is, after all, the entire reason why unusuals and any hat for that matter is worth more than pennies. If you are going to say Tux will become more valuable solely because there are less of then, by your Logic the BMOC should be worth considerably more than Buds, as there are 25% as many of those as Buds; but they're not, in fact their price has been declining. You could argue that's because it's a "Festive" hat, but that only proves my point. Tux isn't an incredibly cosmetically-appealing item.
It is a Penguin on your butt. I could not think of anything more visually appealing than that.


TD Admin
Do you TF2 admins like going through the ban appeal interviews or like rage through the process, seems long. wrong thread but just wondering. just looking at it would make me rage.
Do you TF2 admins like going through the ban appeal interviews or like rage through the process, seems long. wrong thread but just wondering. just looking at it would make me rage.
Wrong thread to ask, and some things I can't reply in public. I can say, I enjoy keeping DARKLY free of aids *except myself, but TD wuvs me* The Appeals/Interviews are fun for me to conduct because I get to learn about the person, learn their intentions and learn new scams/hacks that are new to the community/VAC/Steam Trading.


TD Admin
cool cool. good to see admins keeping servers spam/hacker free. why would you hack on a trade server or Tf2 in general LOL. :yaoming: