Ubuntu OS - (TF2 item)


With there currently only being 16,164 Tuxes out there compared to 58,052 Earbuds, I would seriously doubt that these will be worth so little. People do not want to go though the long task of the whole ubuntu downloading task so they just do not bother. This promo has been going on for a week I think and only 16,164 Tuxes are in TF2. Why would people wait until the last minute? Lets say this number multiplies by 2.5 (2.4 for the amount of time left to get the promo and .1 for the people like "Ah, promo going out!") and that gives us 40,410. Statistically speaking, the Tux will be more valuable than Earbuds. But they will not start out that way and they will not be more valuable than Earbuds because of the customer mindset. They will start out at the level of a Bill's Hat and rise until about 20 keys where they will stay constant.
Well... I'll be damned. Looks like I should stop being lazy and try to fix my ubuntu.


Got a Swaggman's Swatter - Stormy Storm
Well that's not bad.
And out of my 450 hours or so of TF2 and I still don't have an unusual. I don't even have a buds. I plan on buying a Bill's soon, like within the next week.


1026 hours played and no unusual except 1 strange which i got from Coop
Well okay then. I have like 15 stranges.
Anways back to Ubuntu: I've pretty much given up on fixing it so I just uninstalled it and am running it on virtual box.