Ubuntu OS - (TF2 item)


DARKLY Regular
Just because there will be less doesnt mean the price will be even close to buds. Look at the BMOC, people thought the price would rise to buds yet it never has.


Just because there will be less doesnt mean the price will be even close to buds. Look at the BMOC, people thought the price would rise to buds yet it never has.
I am not saying that the price will be buds. I am saying don't underestimate the potential of this promo.
Just because there will be less doesnt mean the price will be even close to buds. Look at the BMOC, people thought the price would rise to buds yet it never has.
That's also part of what I'm getting at, once again, Ear Buds were unique, this Tux, has little to nothing to it. *That and it looks like the Power-up Canteen*



I am not saying that the price will be buds. I am saying don't underestimate the potential of this promo.
Much too late for that, they'll try to sell, possibly go up in a few Refined Metals, but no more than that. It's catered towards a certain group, that may not actually want it. *Linux Players and Enthusiasts*


It is still a promo. The Max Head looks Godawful and not to mention the horror of the ugliness of the Holiday Headcase. But people like them. Be them ugly or sexy, a promo is a promo. The coolest looking promo, the Bill's Hat, is not even in the league of buds or maxes, yet it is the sexiest of them all. People don't care what it looks like. All that matters is what the fucking spreadsheet says. So the price of the Tux, and our entire economy, is in the fate of what backpack.tf or spreadsheet tells us it is worth. Maybe they will take into consider it's rarity and image. But we know they won't so lets just see what they think on March 2nd.
It is still a promo. The Max Head looks Godawful and not to mention the horror of the ugliness of the Holiday Headcase. But people like them. Be them ugly or sexy, a promo is a promo. The coolest looking promo, the Bill's Hat, is not even in the league of buds or maxes, yet it is the sexiest of them all. People don't care what it looks like. All that matters is what the fucking spreadsheet says. So the price of the Tux, and our entire economy, is in the fate of what backpack.tf or spreadsheet tells us it is worth. Maybe they will take into consider it's rarity and image. But we know they won't so lets just see what they think on March 2nd.
You just contradicted yourself...coolest looking promo, yet the Max is ugly...and it's one the priciest?

And here we go with the backpack and spreadsheet bullshit again. Oh I'm starting to hate trading items now...


You just contradicted yourself...coolest looking promo, yet the Max is ugly...and it's one the priciest?

And here we go with the backpack and spreadsheet bullshit again. Oh I'm starting to hate trading items now...
It was to say that the image of the promo doesn't affect it's price. And you and me both. :worried:


DARKLY Regular
It is still a promo. The Max Head looks Godawful and not to mention the horror of the ugliness of the Holiday Headcase..

Max head isnt awful and at least you dont have to stare at the butt of the character to see it.

And here we go with the backpack and spreadsheet bullshit again. Oh I'm starting to hate trading items now...

Quit now and save yourself some trouble ;)


Max head isnt awful and at least you dont have to stare at the butt of the character to see it.

Quit now and save yourself some trouble ;)
Max head looks like shit. Stupid bronies love the faggoty side of it when they are just stupid. No one cares if you are gay. Get over that you're not the center of the universe and that everyone does not hate you. And so what? It's a misc item. Go get a hat to wear upon thy head thy noobie!
Max head looks like shit. Stupid bronies love the faggoty side of it when they are just stupid. No one cares if you are gay. Get over that you're not the center of the universe and that everyone does not hate you. And so what? It's a misc item. Go get a hat to wear upon thy head thy noobie!
Nice to see some colors. But once again..:uh:

Max's Severed Head was out long before this MLP shit started.


TD Admin / Wanker
I tried Ubuntu earlier but it was derping when connecting to my Internet.
I entered the passcode and it would connect and load, but then the passcode box would appear again.
Like..it said I was connected to my router..but wouldn't load anything properly on the Internet.
Sooo...Gonna try my Laptop later or something.