Ubuntu OS - (TF2 item)


Retired Scrub

I got mine! :D


Senior TF2 Admin
The Tux won't be worth much initially. These types of items tend to gain value over time. Just hold on to it.


Tux will probably be worth a lot eventually, but it will never be worth as much as earbuds, I would say maybe a Bill's if TF2 manages to survive for a couple more years.


so uh, what is all this Ubuntu Linux Grub nonsense Im hearing all about but not understanding?
Grub is like, what linux uses to boot, kind of.
And yes, if TF2 manages for another like, 5 years. Face it, it's an old game, and had to go F2P for a reason. I have no doubt that it will live for that long, but it is old, and if it wasn't F2P it probably would be dead by now.
The Tux won't be worth much initially. These types of items tend to gain value over time. Just hold on to it.
Tux will probably be worth a lot eventually, but it will never be worth as much as earbuds, I would say maybe a Bill's if TF2 manages to survive for a couple more years.
Honestly, I hope it becomes another Stout Shako. If people will go through cheating means to get the item, and Valve doesn't take action on that fact, then the Tux is worth less than a scrap.
So you mean like, launching the program?
http://www.linux.org/ All your answers are right there. Obviously, Linux/Ubuntu is not for you.


If people will go through cheating means to get the item, and Valve doesn't take action on that fact, then the Tux is worth less than a scrap.
With there currently only being 16,164 Tuxes out there compared to 58,052 Earbuds, I would seriously doubt that these will be worth so little. People do not want to go though the long task of the whole ubuntu downloading task so they just do not bother. This promo has been going on for a week I think and only 16,164 Tuxes are in TF2. Why would people wait until the last minute? Lets say this number multiplies by 2.5 (2.4 for the amount of time left to get the promo and .1 for the people like "Ah, promo going out!") and that gives us 40,410. Statistically speaking, the Tux will be more valuable than Earbuds. But they will not start out that way and they will not be more valuable than Earbuds because of the customer mindset. They will start out at the level of a Bill's Hat and rise until about 20 keys where they will stay constant.
With there currently only being 16,164 Tuxes out there compared to 58,052 Earbuds, I would seriously doubt that these will be worth so little. People do not want to go though the long task of the whole ubuntu downloading task so they just do not bother. This promo has been going on for a week I think and only 16,164 Tuxes are in TF2. Why would people wait until the last minute? Lets say this number multiplies by 2.5 (2.4 for the amount of time left to get the promo and .1 for the people like "Ah, promo going out!") and that gives us 40,410. Statistically speaking, the Tux will be more valuable than Earbuds. But they will not start out that way and they will not be more valuable than Earbuds because of the customer mindset. They will start out at the level of a Bill's Hat and rise until about 20 keys where they will stay constant.
Haven't look at that yet, but given that so many people are actively conversing about it...did Ear Buds, when they came out, be collected because they would be an monetary item, or because it was a 'cool' item that had unique and still unique features to it?

The rate that they got the Tux, is boggling.


Haven't look at that yet, but given that so many people are actively conversing about it...did Ear Buds, when they came out, be collected because they would be an monetary item, or because it was a 'cool' item that had unique and still unique features to it?

The rate that they got the Tux, is boggling.
No, but effort being put into installing ubuntu and they irritation of having something on your desktop that you will most likely never use again will deter enough people to not download the software to get the Tux. Therefore, it keeping its value.
No, but effort being put into installing ubuntu and they irritation of having something on your desktop that you will most likely never use again will deter enough people to not download the software to get the Tux. Therefore, it keeping its value.

So about that Tux...hmm, maybe it won't get that far, but I fear near the promotion end, it's going to triple.