Ubuntu and Steam

Fork Included

TD Admin
and how is ubuntu different from windows? the interface is nearly identical.

ubuntu is "windows" based just like windows! Sure you have the command option for the hardcore guys, but we're not talking about them at the moment.

and if you're going to use the spyware arguments, or whatever, that is a user error in most cases.

Fork Included

TD Admin
It's free - we just had this talk.

Would you have sex with Brains if it was free?

For "free" to be a good quality there has to be a benefit to it.

ALso, since you decided to use the lowest common denominator of a computer user, how many of them do you think will buy a computer from Dell or FutureShop without windows installed?

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
i use windows because it saves me time.

i'd use debian on a server (only at home) just because i know once i set it up to do what i want, its never going to break lol.


2011 Troll of the Year
[quote1295452844=Fork Included]
It's free - we just had this talk.

Would you have sex with Brains if it was free?

For "free" to be a good quality there has to be a benefit to it.

ALso, since you decided to use the lowest common denominator of a computer user, how many of them do you think will buy a computer from Dell or FutureShop without windows installed?

Umm a fair bit if they were aware of the option. Personally, I have a friend who isn't computer Savy at all, and he opted to have Unbuntu installed on his computer - it works well for him and he loves it.

edit: Just had to comment about the free sex with Brains example being so off point - If I was looking to have sex with a person and had a choice between someone who charged 100+ dollars to have sex with, or another person, who, while a little less sexy, would do the trick - I think i'd save my 100 bucks.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
I think ubuntu gets the job done, as long as you have intel or nvidia graphics dont play games it does everything grandma could need.

....And i take back my comments on debian for home server, lol, it can only lead to heartache and failure in my hands.

the winner for me is: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/2008-std.aspx

Getting it for free through Dreamspark. Last winter I found a huge telco rack (got taht sitting beside the furnace now), along with an APC battery backup that weighs like 100 pounds so i am hooking up to a mini itx rig, 2TB storage to start, and hopefully this summer i will build a cheap ass solar panal so i can run this shit for free. will also try and find some cat 6 and run it through the house to remove the need for wifi. weeeee


TD Admin
[quote1295465356=Fork Included]
It's free - we just had this talk.

Would you have sex with Brains if it was free?

For "free" to be a good quality there has to be a benefit to it.

ALso, since you decided to use the lowest common denominator of a computer user, how many of them do you think will buy a computer from Dell or FutureShop without windows installed?

I don't even think you can get a computer from Dell or FS without windows.

and what kind of comparison is that? I just can't seem to link those two together.


TD Admin
Most Linux distributions are basically Linux, with a different GUI. 90% of the shit that you do is in the console (terminal) so it is not like windows, but the Front End is similar. I could say that a Mac is the same as windows, because it really is alot more like it than Ubuntu.

I rarely even use my actual machine's peripherals most of the stuff is all done via SSH. I did switch form Ubuntu to CentOS because Ubuntu was too bloated with fancy shit that you don't really need.

Linux is not for people like Fork, or most of the people who are reading this, because it is a workhorse. the OS is solid and Windows is not. there is a big difference from an OS and the GUI.

and I must add, if you are the kind of person who buys their computer at a fucking big box store, you have no business using linux in the first place :P

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I don't know why you guys are arguing.. all OS's have their perks, and we use them as needed/liked.

I dual-boot OSX and Windows. Windows is only for gaming, and literally everything else is in Mac for logical reasons and because i just "like it"... enough said...


TD Admin
Fork ... one word : security!
Windows will NEVER EVER be as secure.

And I use Ubuntu for anything. As soon Steam releases their games for Linux, I'm off the Windows (and it will happen :)).

With Ubuntu you can have any kind of software for any kind of job (picture editing, video editing, music editing, web design, web development, word, excel ... etc) for free.

AND Dell DOES sell their machines with Ubuntu installed on them if you wish so.

So yea ... games is the only thing keeping me tight up with windows.
Why buy the milk when you can get the cow for free!?

Fork Included

TD Admin
35mm, ubuntu's software solutions for video and photo editing are third world country compared to the things apple and adobe produce.

GIMP was 8bit for the longest time and had problem keeping up with new RAW format developments (did not support PEF back in 2007).

Just because it is free, does not mean that the worlds best programmers are behind the steering wheel, putting together cutting edge software.


TD Admin
Not true Fork ... I am a designer and I believe I can tell when a program is shitty or not ...

It is true, they don't have ALL the futures Adobe can offer, but they are extremely good programs and function very good.

For you, that software will be MORE then you will ever need.

And one reason why big companies for now are avoiding Linux is because of Microsoft. You have no idea how many times Linux community was attacked by Microsoft.

Anyway ... I guess in the end is each to its own.
My point that I am trying to make is that free sex can be great as well as long you do it with the right person :).


TD Admin
Give it a try now ... I had the same feeling as you a couple of years back.

Anyway ... like I said, everyone likes what they want. in the end, both worlds are good as long whatever they offer makes you happy. ;)

P.S. - Lightroom is a a joke. As long you know Photoshop you don't need anything else for image manipulation. That is the best program.


TD Admin
Because you can make it look however you want ;).

AND because both OS are Unix based ... so they work in similar ways.


TD Member
ok im a linix user and i feel it is by far the best OS. i agree with 35 when game companys/steam offers a linix solution for gameing and or i get tierd of gaming. i will be 100% linux.

35 im not sure if youve looked into this before
I Ran this on my old linix partition and i was able to run adobe CS3 perfect, with the exception of bridge and AE.
note: i was useing there 1.1 build and it made running the windows based programs about 30% more system intensive on my machine. not sure about the latest build