Trail of items!


TF2 Admin
Sort of a little quest, like I'm sure you all have heard of.

It all started on a trade server, when I crafted all my duplicate weapons and got 2 refined. I had very little of a bp at that point, my most expensive item being a dirty high-five taunt.

Now to chronicle what has happened so far:

First, using that metal and the dirty taunt, I got a clean version of the same taunt.

Using that taunt, I got 3 strange mediguns.

Using those 3 mediguns I got 6 keys.

Using those keys I got a level 42 White Vintage Vintage Tyrolean.

After that, I got a Vintage Lugermorph.

Next, I got a craft #32 burning bongos (once again, a 1:1 trade)

Using luck, and very many trades on OP, I found someone willing to trade a Vintage Troublemaker's Tosslecap painted white + sweets!

Using those sweets, I got around 3 keys, and I sold the tosslecap for 10, to 13 total.

I then found a trade on OP with a 13 key B/O for a strange machina.

Using those keys, I got that strange machina, and, although I will be enjoying for quite a while, I am hoping to continue this streak of luck :D