Trade Server Problems - Report Here


TD Admin / Wanker
Yep :) They used to only apply to the Chicago Darkly servers, but they magically started to work on all of the Darkly trade servers a few days ago.
Heh, yeah all the server plugins went to pot with the recent update.
It's been a working progress, but SJ got them all fixed now :D


Death by Darkly
Just checked #2, #3, #5, and #6 - same across all of them. Might just be Or that brain cavity thing. You should look into that, just to be safe.
Oh have no authority over this section...
Who removed my big ass server list on the OP?
Who says I didn't?

Let's see...what else to remove...hmm, bout 750 of your posts you can kiss goodbye. :trollface:

Are you certain you posted it in this section?


TD Admin / Wanker
Look at the title of this thread
Where else would I have typed up a huge list of servers with problems?!


TD Admin / Wanker
Yeah I'm sure, I went to each individual server taking notes on any problems they had and wrote it all down.
I even put servers down that had no problems just to have them there in case I needed to add a problem for it.