Trade Server Problems - Report Here


Senior TF2 Admin
The servers are still advertising 30 keys for 30 days. We should take that down soon.

Khârn the Betrayer

DARKLY Regular
I'm on Toronto #2 now and the Admin menu isn't working and my mod tag isn't showing up. This happened earlier too and I posted a small message in the Lirbox, but when I next went on it all seemed to be working fine (Tick Tock Man was having this issue too).

But it seems to not be working again which I'm finding a little strange since I was on #4 before joining server 2 just now and the admin menu worked fine on there. Also the first time it happened Kath still had her Mod tag even though Tick Tock and myself didn't have ours (Her tag isn't showing up this time either though). Maybe it just requires a simple restart or something, and although I doubt this has anything to do with it the server has lost connection to the item server both times this has occurred.


Spycrab Queen
trying to spycrab on #2 is a nightmate i cant do anyhting anyways as to i cant kick yet so i asked kharn too but he couldnt so its was annoying there running up to me afer telling them to back up alot.. i hope this problems fixed soon :(

Tick Tock Man

Senior TF2 Admin
Staff member
Gatherix zackychuu
I have tried admin and store functions on each of the Toronto trade servers and neither is working for me - if I spam the /inv command eventually the "[SM] You are flooding the server" message comes up, so it's obviously still recognizing the command (else it would simply spam the /inv in chat) - but it seems unable to open the menu.

In regards to the admin, I am getting the "[SM] You do not have access to this command" message, nor when I try the /admins command in chat does it list myself, or any other mod or admin other than Kandi (Kath), even though more than one has been in the server. I have also spoken to Khârn the Betrayer and 14bux, they are experiencing the same issue.


TD Admin
After the unexpected crash of the servers today around 5:16 pm EST, I can no longer access my commands nor my tag.
I get a message saying [SM] You do not have access to this command.
Also, the !store does not work and from what I am witnessing players are getting random tags, colors and other perks.
I currently have a green text color and a Dat Ass tag.

Prior we were having some issues trading and shortly after with the server crash.
Now many are experiencing their item server down including myself.
This could be part, if not the issue.



TD Admin
This is a video of what I am experiencing on my side:
- No sm_admin commands
- No [MOD] tag
- No !store
- No !inventory
- Random store tag
- No chat color
- Lots of lag
- No item server


DARKLY Regular
Ok. On Darkly Server #5, I noticed that there was a lot of server lag. So, I recorded it, and compared it with Darkly Server #5. Notice on how on #5, my rocket jump was a bit jittery. On #3 though, I was rocket jumping like Star.