You don't need to make it for one day or weekend. Everyone has different schedules. Make it a couple weeks long, give everyone lots of time to schedule a game with their opponent.
all im saying is that TD has a horrible horrible track record for tourneys that span weeks with 'scheduled' and/or 'unscheduled' matches. people tend not to show up, some dont even figure out who they are facing. the one difference here is that the games would probably be 1v1, so its not like trying to get 8 people on per match like in FPS tourneys. but if we want this thing to go efficiently and end quickly, the simplest way is to do it all in 1-2 days.
most matches take 20mins-1hr. usually they are closer to the 20min mark unless the players are very evenly matched. we dont need an entire server per match, so we can have all the first round of games go at the same time, no retarded scheduling issues.
sry for droning on, but i have my own reason for wanting it done in a couple days. that being that i often cant play for much of the weekdays.
Pyro is right. The only way to have successful tourneys is to have them scheduled on a specific day in advance so that everyone is aware pf the date ahead of time and can't flop. If you can't play on that day, don't sign up. Plain and simple.