Tourney Demos


TD Member
Any way we could get links to the demos played tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday? Please :D

Our matches were on server 1, 7pm-745pm, and 8:15pm-9:15pm

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
These are larger than I thought, I'll have to upload to a sharing service or something. Can't have you guys eating our bandwidth :D


TD Admin
I have some hosting with unlimited bandwidth/storage. I can set up an ftp account for you to toss them up if you want.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
One of thos contains several demos, the other is just a huge cpl_mill demo. All of those are from Scrim #1 from February 10, 11, 12 - and those are it. If those are empty, or have no scrims, that's all we have.

Scrim #2 demos will be uploaded today.


TD Member
"" is a pug scrim with a whole lot of emptiness (save your bandwidth) i fast forwarded 3 hours into it, only saw one random pug scrim, no tourney match and it was on mill, hence the file name.

"" has 10 files, 7 none tournament matches according to map titles. 3 were dust2.

auto-20120210-1142-de_dust2.dem :

Wet vs Veggies - Fastforward to tick 130000 (seriously)
Wet vs Personality - Fastforward to tick 415000 (since it didn't stop recording since 1st match)
Veggies vs Personality - Fastforward to tick 790000 (still recording...)

so 3 in 1.

auto-20120210-2003-de_dust2.dem and auto-20120211-2003-de_dust2.dem have nothing.

I do hope the other 9 matches played were on server 2 for group play and the demos worked.

Semi finals were on server 1 as well (well ours atleast).

Clearly SRCTV autorecord isn't perfect, and didn't record properly. It seems manual recording with srctv commands is going to need to be done next time around (with proper video file naming to distinguish demos)

How much bandwidth is allowed monthly for this box TD is using? Let's say for example 20mb (before zipped AND with manual start and stop) per SRCTV demo, and there was 15 matches per tournament. 300mb would be too much to host?


"" gave us:

auto-20120211-1352-de_dust2.dem - Leroy's Pride vs 360

and everything else was random scrims, or didn't record anything.

Sad, sad day.


TD Member
Thanks for the efforts SJ :smile:. But it seems only 4 matches from the group play were recorded, unless im mistaken. I played each file that was on dust2, and it either didn't recorded anything, or was mentioned in the above post.

All over files were from random scrims.

The only thing I can think of glitching this out, would be improper lo3 executing, which may conflict the recording.
We did our matches with !readyup, others did theirs with just exec lo3.

Personally, actual CAL or CEVO cfgs (including overtime, and pregame) need to be installed on the private servers. Not just basic zblock.

*edit* >> Were the semis recorded from Tuesday and Wednesday nights?


TD Member
That'd work if I was following one person only lol, plus 3 matches are in the same demo file >_>


A Little Darkly
Personally, actual CAL or CEVO cfgs (including overtime, and pregame) need to be installed on the private servers. Not just basic zblock.

This ^ Not that it's a big deal, but it just makes everything easier. Also, it's kind of a pain having to type /voicecom $ at the beginning of each round. I've got a line in my config that pastes all teammates $ at the beginning of the round...forgot that it only worked with certain server configs so the tourney was the first time we had ever scrimmed together having to type that stuff out :s