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Toronto paintball

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TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Hey guys i figured alot of you fags have went paint balling before so im looking for a place to take one of my boys out for his bday. We've been to Paint ball city before and i must admit it was fucking shit. dark, dingy and smelt like ass on a stick. But it was cheap. Ive heard of good things about sgt splatters. but http://www.c-q-b.ca/ looked cool. Yeah i know outdoor is better but i dont feel the need to get killed by pros who like to bring snipers and machine guns. Anyone recommend anything in the toronto area? Something that wont rip a hole in my wallet would be nice. oh and its all rentals for us, none of us have any gear.

There was also talk of a gay td paintball thing but i doubt that will ever fly


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
splatters got sand = dirt in your car, house, anus.

paintball city is the one on 401 west right ?? its not bad.

my buddies go to another place though, i can ask him where.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
i heard about the sand. like the paint gets all sticky and it becomes like mud and you have to walk through that shit. it doesnt look as dark as paintball city, but from the pictures its based on outdoor lighting not indoor so that might be pretty gay.

paintball city is the one on 401 and dixon. beside the go cart indy thing


Professional Cocksucker
ive been to sgt splatters. the dirt/sand isnt a problem and u dont carry it everywhere u go. if ur worried about getting dirty and crap u can rent a jumpsuit type thing to put over ur clothes.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Yeah Shortbus all the stuff about splatters is from word of mouth so ive heard both good and bad. personally i dont care im going in crappy clothes anyways.

anyone been to the cqb place? the link shows like vids of them propelling from rooftops into windows and shit. looks hardcore but from some of the stuff on their forums even retards can play. you even have to load ur bullets in magz and stuff...looks good, kinda expensive.
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