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Too many OG's

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OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Personally, I don't really appreciate the OG being rocked by new kids... Being in TD for a long time and seeing it grow and helping it grow through everything gives me pride... Hence the OG.


TD Member
fork, you know its secretly gypsies, so much more relevant to TD, haha (47 = true OG)

Openly Gay does work pretty well too


TD Member
[quote1250546298=OG buckshot jr]
Personally, I don't really appreciate the OG being rocked by new kids... Being in TD for a long time and seeing it grow and helping it grow through everything gives me pride... Hence the OG.

I would tend to agree with BJ, let the guys who put the blood sweat and tears into this bad boy rock the tag with some pride (despite the fun had at it's expense); it does give a sense of who's who and who did what in the TD world.

Fork Included

TD Admin
this is why i didnt appreciate this Lord Bear character rocking the OG tag

even among our community, there are those that should stand out more than others, and the OG tag is a sign of that

its an in-joke that in itself is a sign of understand of what this community is about.


TD Member
Well put fork. It wouldn't hurt to make it official though; a higher degree of association with the community that is earned. TD takes applications and considers regulars for official TD status, maybe the same should be applied for an OG designation; give people something to reach for after entry into TD. Let those who shine show it once its been earned.


TD Admin
I definitely agree with Joker ^. It should be a title that has to be earned. I'm not talking about people who play very often or donate money.....or those who are openly gay *cough* 47 *cough*, but for those who actually contribute to the community (ie. create maps, develop the forums and come up with new ideas to help improve the community).


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Well said BJ.
I always viewed the &quot:oG" as the founders of the community. Don't necessarily think one should be able to earn it, either you were here when this community was founded or you were not.
But as for those guys mentioned that were wearing the &quot:oG" tag, I honestly think they did not understand what it was and just thought it was a cool tag to wear. I am assuming they did not mean any disrespect and probably won't wear the OG tag after reading this topic.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
who is lord bear?

You don't remember Lord Bear? I think all that semen you ingest is starting to cause memory loss.


TD Member
am I OG? lol

I never rock the tag, but I've been around for a long time :P

You're a special type of OG....obviously gay.

Seriously though, push the OG add on tag; let the boys who deserve to be recognized BE recognized (I know they are by those who know them, but new members don't; let them know who to look to as an example of TD's great membership)


TD Member
I always took it as the OG's were the founding fathers of TD. and as it has been said let the ones who are the deserving elite who are inducted by the OG members rock that shit.!! everyone else GTFO and know your role. | vote a no vote and let it be written, let it be so. TD for life bitches!!!
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