I predict the PC version will suck shit sooner or later but for the consoles it might become a classic if the gameplay is good enough
What does game play have to do with something being a console classic.
Call of Duty.
My rule for new pc games that don't have a credibility factor like valve/blizz/bioware is just wait for the meta critic scores. If it's soaring over 85/90's in reviews both user and magazines it's probably worth the full 60. Been burned by too many shooters just like this, hope none of you got burned by BRINK, what a stinker.
dose years when my only info came in the form of print magazines.
MGS was probably my most awaited game. I paid more for all the mags covering the release and development of the game than the actual game!
where you reading this? game isn't a day oldwell you are in luck, titanfall is at an 87