Tired of the bs


2011 Troll of the Year
If you want to give more detailed accounts of some examples with or without names. Please feel free to send an email to abuse@darklygaming.com , it will remain confidential and only DGN staff will have the details in order to come up with a solution to this issue and maybe privately talk to the people in question to put a stop to this kind of attitude towards some players.

I'd like to report Remy, he's always really mean to me :(


TD Member
Paul Blart and Satanic Hamster need to be abused on a regular basis. If we don't troll them, then they start to get their self-esteem back.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
basically, everyone needs to be fucking nice to everyone. dont make me facepalm again.
Rooks voice is so familiar, forget who he is though.

That would be Pokemon Trainer, yeah he changes his name plenty.

Back on topic, picking on new players is just not cool whoever did it, I know we like to fuck around on TD sometimes but the line should be drawn on new players, TD is a lot to take in when you first join, lets be nice until they get the gist of what TD is all about.


TD Admin
Stoned I reallllllllllllllllly love the way you went about addressing this... I think I just really love you ;)hehehe THERES THE LOVE...


TD Admin
Totally gotta keep people coming back somehow.. i gotta make up for resident assholes... people need to feel loved too you know.